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Where I Met My Wife/ internet or airport

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by oztony, May 6, 2014.

  1. oztony

    oztony DI Senior Member Blood Donor

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    Year 2003, I was raising my son on my own , he was 5 years old , I had been doing this since he was 11mths old . Because of work and parenting commitments I had been single the whole time . And I have to say I had the best neighbours in the world that helped me a lot at that time .
    One of my friends suggested I buy a computer and move with the times , so this we did.
    Surfing around and clicking on everything , I landed on a Filipina website , and seen all these very attractive young ladies , I was 37 yrs old . I initially felt very awkward and maybe embarrassed to myself , who knows at times how and why human emotions work , but I had been on my own for 5 years , so loneliness took over and I signed up on this website that I was looking at.
    Alfie , my wife made contact and sent a message to me , I returned the messages and that is how it started.
    A few months later I flew to Dumaguete and waiting for me at the airport was Alfie and her family , several more trips and 6 months later we were married in the courtroom by the judge in Tanjay , I am not catholic .
    Not long after that my wife came to Australia and we now have daughter who is 8 yrs old , and my son who was 5 when this all started, is now nearly 17.
    Over the years a lot of people have asked 'where did you meet your wife' and years ago I would always reply at the airport , there was some sort of strange stigma in Australia where they used to relate to an internet relationship as a mail order bride set up , maybe just a bogan backward attitude held by a few , mainly the Aussie women to be honest , but now when anyone asks 'where did you meet your wife' I just say on the internet
    Because I don't care what the ignorant few, that have attitudes or opinions, think, I am just so happy that I met my wife , the circumstances or situation do not matter. I am very proud of her and my children and consider myself blessed for having the family that I have .
    That's my story

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  2. ShawnM

    ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force

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    I think it is a nice story about 2 people being brought together. I'm not sure what seeing a guy with a woman from another country compels people to think they can start asking personal questions. I don't remember ever being asked where or how I met when I was with an American woman.

    My first wife was Korean and I would get asked often, especially in the US, where we met and I would say in Korea and look at them like they were stupid. I have not noticed it too much when in the Philippines, but Filipinos make up for it by asking other questions that find to be a bit too personal or plain none of their business.

    I'd be willing to bet that quite a number of folks meet their GF/wife on the internet, especially if they don't live there or are not frequent visitors. I read a story one time where a guy was saying that you could get a magazine that had pics of Filipinas and write them letters, if I remember correctly they wrote back and forth for 2 years before he could go to meet her (yea, pre-internet days).

    If the shear number of sites with women from different countries, age groups, pretty much everything for all the spam I get in email from this; is any indication internet dating's perception is changing away from the mail order thing from the past. I haven't been to the states in a long time, but would bet they are even advertising some of the sites on TV.

    If 2 people love and respect each other it makes no matter what other folks think.

  3. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    I would probably have to make up some stories if I were asked frequently, ranging from won her in a card game to she rescued me from slavers and now I'm hers. That last one is a little too close to the truth considering the women in the US I had dated in the last couple years.O-xI
  4. brian ausie

    brian ausie DI Forum Patron

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    Met my first on Skype. I got this hi and the disaster story followed, second and defiantly last met her here studied her for a while before diving in too deep, success story followed.
  5. midway

    midway DI Member Veteran Navy

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    I went to buy insurance for my harley when I was stationed at Cubi Point a couple of decades ago. Twenty fourth wedding anniversary coming up in a couple of months.

    At least you got married to a lady you met in an airport, I married a lady I met because of a two tone harley.
  6. Vicmico

    Vicmico DI Member

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    Yes Shawn, my wife and I were corresponding in the pre-internet era (i.e. we actually wrote letters to eachother), and got married a few weeks shy of 26 years ago. She had, on the instigation of a friend of hers, placed an add for penpals in the KLM in-flight magazine and I responded. Had to fight off a few penpal / competitors first, but succeeded......

  7. garbonzo

    garbonzo DI Senior Member Veteran Marines

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    Hmmm. Met my wife when I was working in Saudi Arabia in '79 - and was raising my oldest son from a previous marriage but he was a little kid then. Had been to the Philippines a few times before…along with all over southeast asia…Not to mention the Marines previously …and then working in the region….Anyway was working for Saudi Airlines at the time in Jeddah…she sent an application there . An American friend handling it, he knew I had one of the few photocopiers in the airline that actually worked and asked me to photocopy her application so he could send it to the London office where they vetted the airline stewardess applications…So I did. But it looked so interesting I rang her up a few days later and told her I would be visiting the Philippines - and had just included Bacolod in my itinerary…So flew there, met up, the rest is history….Married in 1980…happy as a pig in sh!t since then….Raised three kids (including my oldest) - all very successful….and we have a nice enjoyable life together. Can't imagine it would be any better...
  8. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Same Job, different sides of the World.

    You know how many times you talk to someone on the phone, work connected, Usually when you eventually meet, they are nothing like you imagined. I worked for the, European Branch of my wife's company's, outside Auditors, The Filipinos in our Branch, did the Audits, (far enough away, to stay a little cleaner) I was talking almost daily to my wife through work, Interest was formed and a friendship grew, Exchanging Photos and learning some about each other. Then, when my boss found out he said. " Have you met her?" No! I said, OK you go to Manila next time, I did, we met and the rest folks, is as they say ' History'

  9. alex

    alex DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    Witch wife should I talk about ?
  10. OP

    oztony DI Senior Member Blood Donor

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    Have a look at my profile Midway and check the albums , you will see a pic or 2 of mine , 1950 panhead , cheers Tony