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sacking someone can get you killed in PI

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by oztony, Apr 22, 2014.

  1. mokum

    mokum DI Senior Member

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    +574 / 136
    Cebu - The German Hans Jürgen Hesse (60), was shot dead on Thursday at 2:00 clock in Sola Homes, Guiwang, Alcoy, from the Security Gard Jerome kidney (38). The Security Gard thought Hesse was a burglar and shot him in the chest and in the head. Hesse was declared after being admitted to the Memorial Hospital in Dalaguete dead. Hesse lived in his house in Sola Homes with his German wife Anja Christa Barbara, both came last September as tourists to Alcoy. The body of Hesse is now at Rolling Hills, a funeral home in Banilad, Cebu City. KR 05/09/2014 - 5:30
  2. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Right. Thought he was robbing his own place. I highly doubt that is the real story. It's the story that let's the local walk free from murder charges though.
  3. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    +5,235 / 1,090
    Yet another sad Story, of Trigger happiness

    I have to wonder what sort (if any) training these guards get, I also have to wonder why the guard thought, Mr Hesse was a Burglar, can we not take a late night walk now, in the confines of our walled Subdivision? I am going to presume the house, is in a walled Sub Division (otherwise, why a guard?) maybe the guard was Sleeping and only saw Mr Hesse, as he was startled, by a noise or Something, then we have, a Shoot First and ask questions after, then I have to ask further, Why 2 shots, from the report given, either shot would have downed Mr Hesse, to me, the 2nd shot, was not necessary. I am so saddened by this sort of thing where, a homeowner can be gunned down by a guard who, In my opinion, was very trigger happy to say the Least. What ever Happened to the " Halt who goes there inquiry" This would have alerted Mr Hesse to the Guards presence and what about the warning Shot into the Air.

    I have mentioned on Threads before, anyone using an Agency Guard, should have more involvement in the Engaging procedure, Why did the guard not see it was Mr Hesse, Did he not know him? Maybe, the Agency was using a temp that did no know the clients of the area, to me that's bad.

    My condolences to his Widow and I hope there is thorough investigation into this very Tragic Incident, that is becoming a common occurrence.

    as I said before, Just what type of person are these Agencies employing and more to the point, What training are they being give.
    Next thing you know we will be shot at Robinsons for not removing your hat, on Entry or our ladies, for not Opening their bags for inspection.

    This only My Opinion of course, but I get a little offended and some somewhat wary, of gun totting Security guards that think, they are special forces

  4. OP

    oztony DI Senior Member Blood Donor

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    Well that couldn't have been scripted any better JP , but I will add I was sitting down about to have lunch with a policeman here in Cebu when we heard about this today , and I can assure you the word "accidental" did not have much play in the conversation, I think all newcomers to PI need to be aware of the danger created when you come between a Filipino and his pride , my heart does go out to this unfortunate mans wife , another disgraceful, inexcusable act , me myself , I would love to go to work with a bit of truth syrum or something , no doubt another completely unsolvable mystery , boy that list is getting full....

  5. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    It's a sad world we live in now, that's for sure, when the people we think are there to protect us are the ones who pull the trigger! Most security guards here in Uk are hired on a casual basis, apart from bank delivery guys, but they dont carry guns!
    Guess I will be careful about taking an early morning walk, fly into Cebu come friday.
    With respect my condolences to the wife too.
  6. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    It was no accident. I don't know why anyone would hire these rag tag police academy dropouts as guards. Here is what is going to happen when you hire a guard:
    1. You are basically paying a local to sleep at you place.
    2. The guard will work with criminals to ensure it goes smoothly. Inside jobs.
    3. While you're away the guard will be screwing your wife/gf......and then when you come back he threatens to kill you out of jealousy.
    4. You pay for an armed guard but you get a snoozing joker who:
    a) has a gun but no ammo.
    b) has a gun and keeps the ammo in his pocket.
    c) has ammo that is so old and has been exposed to so much humidity it would never fire.
    d) has a gun that hasn't been cleaned since it left the factory and would need a crowbar to pry it open to load it.
    e) has a gun but is not licensed to actually shoot it.
    f) falls asleep and a random person walks up and steals his hand gun.

    (note that EVERY single on of these things has happened to people I know.)

    These security companies are complete jokes. Anyone who uses them is just wasting their money. REAL security will cost you much more than 5-10k a month, doesn't matter where you are in the world. Pay peanuts and you'll get guards with peanuts for brains.

    Your best bet is to buy a gun for your gf and train her how to use it. (though that has it's dangers as well)
  7. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Oh, forgot to mention on thing. Even IF, and that's a big IF, you happen to get a good guard all you are doing is advertising that you have something worth stealing. All it takes is two criminals to successfully rob your place, the first distracts and the second breaks in. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to outsmart one of these guards.
  8. brian ausie

    brian ausie DI Forum Patron

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    +32 / 2
    In the subdivision I lived in at Bacolod the local electrician was shot by the guard at the 3rd entrance with his shotgun, why? , (jealousy ?) the guard was chatting up 2 teenager girls, the electrician eyeballed the Guard on his way past the electrician was on a pushy, he heard the shotty cock looked back and seen the guard looking down his barrel at him, he peddled as fast as he could then heard on shot ring out, he fell of his pushy heard the shotty cock again he was able to get away before being hit again.
    His injuries,
    Left arm and hand, Left arm pit area,
    he put himself into a trike and went to the public hospital where he laid on a trolley from 9am until 1pm, his wife was trying to get funds together to have him treated, at this stage he was bleeding out and was turning blue, the oxygen the Dr end everything he need was there except cash.
    An expat friend with his pinay wife went to his help and told the Dr to fking work on him throwing the cash at the Drs face.
    The guard headed for the hills and was never seen again, he was not licensed nor trained.
    The subdivision president gave the electrician P1,000 only he was trying to sue them but not sure what happened.
    I paid out over p2k helping him with his fees so he was allowed out of the hospital and follow up treatment, the other expat gave similar money also.
  9. Dave & Imp

    Dave & Imp DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    My great fear

    One of my greatest fears is to be haphazardly texting and accidentially walk in the "Exit" door at Robinson's and get shot down, while laying on the ground bleeding my fear is to be trampled by the buglers who have just committed a crime and need to exited the mall. Of coarse the security guards will not confront them... they maybe armed.