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The Loneliness of Retirement. ( a day in the Life of Jack)

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by Jack Peterson, May 20, 2014.

  1. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Northern Junob, Dumaguete City
    +5,235 / 1,090

    Many years ago, my Father ( Who I used to meet every 2 weeks for a pint [Beer] on a Sunday lunchtime) said to me,
    Son, if you don't change your lifestyle, you will not reach 50.

    At that time (about 39/40) I was considering leaving the Air Force. I didn't, in fact I did another 5 years.

    So at 45, I did change my Lifestyle. (For the better? not sure) I took a Pub on, ha ha, Not a Good Idea, in the End. So I went into Accountancy. Not as an Accountant but as an Investigating Bailiff. I seemed to do well at this and traveled far and Wide, I learned a new Art/Trade. This kept me out of trouble and to a degree, Sober. Many here will know, that Art, is Brass Restoring.

    There is not a lot of call for this here in the PI ( Well not on Negros, Manila Yes but I don't travel too good anymore, so I can't use my time on this, Mores the Pity but HEY HO

    OK, so I had this Stroke in 2012 and had to retire early, 2 years on and the House is Finished, ( Just painting to do now)

    Seems my dad could have been right, although Pops, Look at me I made it to 66

    I have a lot of friends, a good family, Pensions in their Place. BUT now the Builders and welders have gone. I find myself at home in this fairly large House and Grounds, with little health energy, at times, Thinking to myself, what can I do with all this time.

    I guess maybe, I am one of the Lucky ones, My Wife has a good Occupation but can be missing from the house 12/13 hours some days. our daughter (15) stays at her Lola's in the Week (Better for travel to School) Now she is ready to go back to School and I have to Admit, Whilst she drives me mad:mad: most days, I am really going to miss her this year,

    Before, I had so many people about, the time just flew bye,

    My dad on his eventual Retirement said, " I don't know how I had time to go to work" he could always find things to do in the garden and such.

    With the luck I had and the labour costs being fairly less expensive in the main, we had all the things done which, to my error, has left me with only sweeping leaves and a small amount of heavier work to do.

    I am in no way a lazy person, and in No way, complaining about things in general but I feel that life will just end up, one lazy, No light at the end of the tunnel day to day Boring Life.

    Does anyone else feel this way or is it just me?? Am I doing Something wrong or is Total Relaxation meant to be my Future.

    Bearing in Mind though, Boredom is not relaxing at all.

    My friend PatO, warned me about this and at the time, I had the house project to do, so I did not pay too much attention but he was right.
    If you are going to Retire here, make sure you have plenty to do, it can send you round the bend, if every day gets like mine is just now. I hate the Word but Boring comes to mind. I am sure It will not last forever, once the garden Flourishes a little, I will find more things to do. I Just feel like a Grumpy old man just now,:eek: and not Driving, makes things harder

  2. brian ausie

    brian ausie DI Forum Patron

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    been here over 5 years already and loving it, but I must say I do have work from Au still which keeps me busy 4 days out of a month hahahaah, so far so good, I mix with as many foreigners as I can, I cut back on the cake as it was starting to make me a little fat, I am not a p*ss pot (don't drink) so that don't mess me up at all, the grog being cheap here can be an issue, I don't mix with just Ausies I mix with many Nationalities yes even Americans hahahah :p so you won't see me in bars.
  3. curveball_inside

    curveball_inside DI Member

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    I retired two years ago. I love doing nothing.

    But, I do stay busy; walks, internet, enjoying sunset or just watching the clouds pass by. Well, I guess that's doing nothing - doesn't bother me a bit. I worked hard for decades, now I just relax and think about how I don't miss the rat race - with a smile on my face.
    Simple = content.

    Interesting though, 10-15 years ago, I use to worry about getting bored in retirement. All I could see myself doing was; driving a pickup truck, with a nice baseball pitching machine in tow, to a local ball field, then spend hours just batting balls.
  4. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Jack, congrats on the completion of the house. Maybe you should consider joining a gym for a healthy alternative. Maybe us “old farts” should get together more often for the beverage of our choice. For me, I am never bored even though I am still limited. I ride along taking my little boy to school and picking him up which gives me a schedule to follow as well as a M-W-F training at the gym. Life is good, enjoy.
  5. Gabrielle_K

    Gabrielle_K DI Forum Adept Showcase Reviewer

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    Retirement is the same challenge anywhere you live in many ways. Unless one has an unlimited budget, then your options are finite-and worse if you are suffering through Winters.

    It's a state of mind.

    Develop some new interests inline with what's available here
  6. ShawnM

    ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force

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    Though I have not lived all the life experiences that you've had, I am looking at a retirement soon; which to me is within the next year or two, sooner if the wife has her way. One thing I love about this site is there are so many people that have years living here as expats.

    I've been thinking hard about what I will do so I've come up with some ideas that may work and will at least keep me busy going forward. I'm basically a country boy, so many things are OK and it will be fun to try some different ideas.

    I mean no disrespect to our hosts and our significant others; but honestly it is nice to have a conversation with someone that you may have more in common with.

    I've really liked your posts and would like to meet up with you.

  7. jimeve

    jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Jack, take up golf, there's a golf club nearby, help keep you fit. Maybe some guys on here want to take it up.
  8. OP
    Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

    Trophy Points:
    Happily Retired
    Northern Junob, Dumaguete City
    +5,235 / 1,090
    definitely Food for thought!

    Thanks for the Suggestion, Jim, I tried it some years ago. I wasn't any good at it then and I guess, it would be the same now. If the game was meant to be about Hooks and Slices :rolleyes: I would be a Pro but I could never hold any real concentration.

    On the other hand maybe, if there were others wanting to start playing, then I would be willing, to have a look at it.

    Like most leisure activities, :confused: cost would have to be looked into

    Anyone got an Idea of Start up costs?

  9. OP
    Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

    Trophy Points:
    Happily Retired
    Northern Junob, Dumaguete City
    +5,235 / 1,090

    Thank you for the reply post Shawn,

    I am sure you have Posted it but I can't recall where your build is.
    As long as I can get to you fairly easily, or in town even, I would enjoy a meet. :dnr: maybe a beer or two at Casa Blanca)

    Friday Afternoon always seems a good time. Usually, a few DI members get there.

  10. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    We went to Bambulo a month or two ago with some other forum members and played miniature golf. Everyone had a great time, and it's CHEAP!
