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TATTOOS! Brilliant Artwork!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by Jack Peterson, Jun 18, 2014.

  1. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Although, I do have a small Tattoo (a Legacy of my Service days) I am not a lover of large /unsightly Tattoos. I do however, marvel at the Artwork and Precision, that goes into some of the things, I have seen all over the World.

    My Cousin in England, sent me this Photo, of one, he said, of his Friend's son, who told him, his friend had it done last year. mmmm (Does that sound right) [this friend of a friend thing, gets a little confusing at times] He never said how long it took or the cost but I thought I would post it, to see if anyone else has, come across this sort of thing. I doubt very much if it could be done down on the Boulevard, (If the guy is still doing any tattoos there now)

    I have seen a couple of Tattoo artist shops around, but am sure it could not be produced here, The Concentration and Interest Facture would be too much, for a local Artist IMHO

    Anyway, hope it will raise, a little interest. View attachment 10765 I have to Admit, at first, I was not too sure, if it was real. Any Thoughts out there?

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  2. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    That's a very commonly posted picture on comedy websites on articles about tattoos. It has been all over the internets for the past 3 years or so. It would be unlikely it's a "friend of a friend", but I suppose it's possible. No way of telling if it's real or not without doing some heavy researching on Google.

    A person could only guess on how much something like that would cost. There is no set price for artists to charge in the US.....and there's nothing saying someone in Cambodia working out of a Bamboo hut isn't talented enough to do something like that and charge 200 bucks for his services. My rough estimate, if it were done in Anytown USA in decent tattoo parlor, would be no less than 8k USD. The more famous the tattoo parlor is the more expensive it gets for artists to get a chair in said parlor. If you were in Todd County, Kentucky, maybe 3-5k USD, if in Time Square in New York City....maybe 20k USD.

    Here is one I wanted done. I priced in the Philippines and couldn't get anything less than 40k PHP.....and if anyone priced less than that I wouldn't even be willing to let them get near me with a needle. Most of the time when it comes to tattoos you get what you pay for.
    View attachment 10767

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  3. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    BTW: Almost every time that picture is posted on a website someone must make a joke warning of the dangers of going to jail with that tattoo. You certainly would NOT want that inked on your skin while in a community shower full of inmates.
  4. Dave & Imp

    Dave & Imp DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Maybe it is real... maybe not

    View attachment 10776

    This is not from a friend of a friend of a friend... and it may not even be real (I pulled it off of facebook) . I do appreciate the graphic, even if it only a graphic, and the creative thought put into it.


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  5. Dave & Imp

    Dave & Imp DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Know what you are putting on

    Sometimes tattoos are a long term reaction for a short term impulse. I once heard a story about a lady who went to a Chinese restaurant and liked the writing design on the menu. So she copied it down and had it put on as a tattoo. She did not know that it meant: "A cheap but satisfying dish"
    Another example is in the photo:
    View attachment 10777

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  6. Black Abbot

    Black Abbot DI Member

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    The picture in the OP is an air-brush body art, not a tattoo. Been around for many years. nice work though.
    if it were a tattoo and done last year, it would be an interesting motive, but very poor artwork of the tattoo artist.

    There was a small french or belgium tattoo artist named Oliver for many years around, haven't seen him for a while, he is excellent and I he certainly produces more detailed work as the first, probably like the second, don't think the third picture would be doable for him, but if he doesn't like you you might end like the 4th saying "balut-eater" or similar