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House Build

Discussion in 'Property Development' started by ShawnM, Feb 15, 2014.

  1. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    If it may help you guys, I have a friend (kind of amazing huh?) who is also a long time forum member with a medium to large truck, who is planning to make monthly trips to Cebu (S & R, etc.). So if he may be of assistance in getting products back to you, let me know and I can put you in touch with him.

    On second thought you can PM him directly;

    View Profile: grandpainak - Dumaguete City Forum

  2. OP

    ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force

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    Thanks for the great advice. The front door is set back and will not see sun or rain, will also have a screened security door. The exterior door from the kitchen on the other hand gets direct sun and rain; no overhang on that side due to the exterior stairs, may see a bit of difference once the second floor roof is in, but still think I'll be getting rain beating in. I have some rubber door seal material I ordered from the US that should tighten things up, but do really need to rethink that wood may not be the best option for that kitchen door.

    Let me know who you got your doors made by, will also ask the window girl tomorrow if they can do a metal door for the kitchen.

  3. OP

    ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force

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    A rainy day but still got quite a bit done

    Rendering is still the number one priority for the interior; do think we'll be ready to start placing floor slabs within a week. Also having 4 guys putting in the stucco mesh for the ceilings, I think they will be done tomorrow.

    Going to put gutters and a downspout in at the nipa guest house, workers were trimming the roof to prepare. Was quite surprised that there was a place in Tanjay that has a machine to run the sheet steel through to make the gutters (I thought I'd be buying prefab ones). The design they have from their machine looks pretty good, dropped the steel off this afternoon and will pick up the gutters tomorrow. Need to get a rivet gun and some sealant tomorrow.

    My plan is to do a rain water collection off the nipa for my future garden (and the wife's flowers and plants) and then another off the second floor roof that will take care of the potted plants I'm planning on. Rain water is the best for plants and want to take advantage of what mother nature gives us.


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  4. oztony

    oztony DI Senior Member Blood Donor

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    If I remember correctly your kitchen door faces towards Tanjay ? A bit of rain comes from that direction , quite a bit actually , locally they call it "amihan" , Sherry will know , aluminium may be a solid thought for that one , just head over home to check mine out if you want to know what the finish look is , so there is no mystery in it . As you head into town , you hit the straight , 200 metres right hand side , reman glass and aluminium, small red suzuki utility , they know me quite well , if you mention me I will almost guarantee you won't get messed around because they know my expectations and that nearly right doesn't cut it . I've slotted a couple of pictures into this conversation , hope you don't mind.

    Best Regards Tony

    View attachment 10843 View attachment 10844

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  5. brian ausie

    brian ausie DI Forum Patron

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    yea Larry tell your friend to bring back a hyab / boom as they call it here, I am still looking for a tilt tray or a hyab that can lift 4 tons and have a 20 ft bed for a shipping container, so that's on my wish list lol

  6. OP

    ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force

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    Yep, get the rain coming from the Tanjay side at my kitchen. I like the awning idea for over the door and will look into that. The kitchen window is at the exterior stairs so no way to put an awning there. Will need to see how things look with the second floor roof, should help with straight down rain but anything sideways will be an issue. You will step down from the kitchen to the landing for the stairs so no water coming in, aluminum may be the way to go; too bad the girl for the windows did not show up today with my initial quote or I could have asked her about the doors.

  7. OP

    ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force

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    Thursday pics

    The rendering is going well, the guys were ready to start plastering the window openings to finish but the windows I want will need to be welded to the rebar to make them secure...need to discuss with the window folks but they were a no show today. Ordered and had the rebar delivered for floor slabs and the driveway/carport we should be getting pretty close for that.

    I have planned for concrete with a floor drain by the hand pump so they are putting that in, need to go to Dumaguete in the next couple days to get some more plumbing pipe, fittings and check valve for the line coming off the hand pump to the electric pump.

    The bending of the gutters for the nipa look pretty good, the sheet metal was thinner than I expected but that is on me for not paying attention yesterday to what we were picking up. We'll see how long it ends up lasting, still not sure about the galvanizing they have here. Will paint the gutter a tan color to match the nipa and the joints are getting sealant.

    On a funny note (wasn't haha funny to me at the time), had to solder some wires to the indicator lamps for the transfer switch. Bought a soldering iron at a local hardware store, soldered the first terminal no problem and when I went to solder the second terminal got a pretty nice shock when the iron hit the solder. Pissed me off but just unplugged the iron when I had to finish that light and the next. I've soldered more wire to terminals than I can remember but that was the first time I got shocked from a soldering iron...not always the best quality stuff here.


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  8. oztony

    oztony DI Senior Member Blood Donor

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    Shawn I forgot to mention that the biggest disappointment for me with the aluminium was how pathetically thin , the gauge they use there , in all my building years I didn't realise they manufactured aluminium extrusion that thin . but in saying that when you buy a drink there and want to leave they kindly tip it into a plastic bag for you , sort of says it all on certain types of resource items doesn't it , ie; glass and aluminium , if you go for the aluminium door be sure to state that you want it fixed to aluminium jambs , otherwise they will just fix a bit of aluminium angle to the opening as a stop and then fix the hinges straight to the concrete with fixings that don't hold , probably a good idea to check mine out , all my doors were done twice , when I got back there last time and seen what was done in my absence , we had a little pep talk , and then did it my way .
    Might be back there in a few weeks , 5 weeks still wasn't long enough just recently to sort everything out , are you still going to be around ? If I look bigger its the bullet proof vest !!

  9. OP

    ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force

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    A learning experience everyday on what is available as well as what is standard here. Had a quote a while back for the second floor roofing that is for a pretty solid roof; probably going to use my guys to do the steel work and bring in the sub for the roof.

    Still thinking about the best way to do the kitchen door. We will stop by your place to look at your doors as I honestly did not look too hard at them last time we were there.

    I think it will be a couple more months here for me until I miss having a day job, want the house done and am just having such a great time hanging out. If you end up coming back let me know or I'll just keep my eyes open for the guy in the vest or the only white guy in Tanjay driving a pedicab.

  10. OP

    ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force

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    A solid Friday

    I think we've gotten quite a bit done recently, today was no exception...plus it was not raining today.

    The girl from the window store stopped by today, they did not understand exactly what I wanted so she went back to work on the quote; she said she would stop by the apartment after 5 with a quote, only 6 now so perhaps she comes by.

    Probably not too exciting to see pics of rendering each day, but that is the main work we have going on.


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