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What is the greatest threat to Expat life and limb in Dumaguete?

Discussion in 'Dumaguete City' started by Bebasguy, May 4, 2014.

  1. Union Jack

    Union Jack DI Forum Adept

    Trophy Points:
    +13 / 1
    Going back to main topic....what is dangerous to life and limbs (not only to foreigners)?!

    * Insulting a filipino in front of his friends
    * Getting involved in drugs
    * Using currency exchangers by the side of the road
    * Accidentally harm a filipino, say in a vehicle collision, no matter whose fault it was
    * Under age sex
    * Flashing your cash
    * Getting drunk and abusive
    * Walking off main streets after dark
    * Have an affair with a married woman
    * Not having cash, insurance or credit card when hospitalized
    * When leaving a bank after a large cash withdrawn
    * Thinking of getting the upper hand by raising voice when arguing
    * Looking in the eyes the guy robbing you at gun point or bolo

    Did i forget anything..... ;-))
    Be safe!
  2. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    She is the Nazi LTO Lady. Hates foreigners as much as the Nazis hated Jews. The ONLY person to EVER write me a ticket in this country has been that b****#*.
  3. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Not to be a dick or anything....but if it were me driving by in that "one minute" and your car blocked any of the road meant for driving you probably would have been missing your rear view mirror (I used to do it to those pricks who pass without caring about oncoming with my hand....until I broke my hand and lost a nice watch). I can't stand it when people park in the street and I will put a boot to a rear view mirror if it is in my way. I know parking in Duma is a pain, but I will drive around until I find a spot. And all streets around both Mcdonald's are crowded main streets. No parking means no parking. I've never been in a city where there was an exception to this, there were designated areas that were for pickups, but they were always clearly marked.

    Of course it's only 50 pesos, until someone kicks off a rear view mirror.....or a local smacks into your car and then calls the police and says it's your fault for being in a no parking space....and of course this accident was responsible for his sudden onset of late stage heart disease and diabetes...and his cousins brain tumor....and his kids deformed foot.....and his wife's miscarriage 5 years ago. Just saying, if you break the law, even so slightly, and something happens guess who is to blame.
  4. ChMacQueen

    ChMacQueen DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Unless you have a medical emergency there is NO excuse for parking in no parking zones, double parking, blocking off traffic. Don't give a d*mn if someone has to park and walk to blocks or they are picking up their kid and the kid has to walk 20 more feet which have seen many times with people double parking outside a schools front gate when there is ample parking 20-30 feet down.

    May not be an inconveince to you as a driver doing that but the rest of the traffic that is held up its a major problem. Vehicles that do that shouldn't just get a fine but the driver's license should be suspended and the vehicle impounded along with a large fine. 3rd time and license is permanently removed and vehicle is auctioned. Can't respect other motorists then that person has no need to be a motorist.
  5. Broadside

    Broadside DI Forum Patron

    Trophy Points:
    +16 / 1
    If you have Facebook, search "I Park Like an Idiot in Dumaguete City", also "Parking sa Dumaguete".
  6. curveball_inside

    curveball_inside DI Member

    Trophy Points:
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    Personally, I like the idea that traffic cops are trying to keep the traffic flowing on Perdices st.

    Oh and RN, I'm familiar with that section of the road, assuming you're talking about the walk-up window of MD's next to Scoobys/The Bean Connection. Any car parked against the curb will effect traffic during busy times. But of course, you don't deserve a punch in the face for it. Just a ticket.

    As for the OP's list - I wish they would at least fine drivers without lights at night. That would be a good start.
  7. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    Usually if they would just get out of the way, the traffic would flow better of it's own accord. There is one traffic officer who is very good about keeping the traffic moving, but most of them should just stay home in bed IMO.

  8. Broadside

    Broadside DI Forum Patron

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    +16 / 1
    Spoof sale. Available immediately. Rearview mirrors. Have been fitted on trikes but never used therefore surplus to requirements. Make an offer to the driver, plenty of stock, at least 4000 available in Dumaguete.
  9. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Monday we parked near Security Bank parking area at the Portal West building on Siliman Ave. while at the gym. When we came out there was a newer pickup parked double parked on the street blocking us from backing out. No driver but the guy’s wife was in the passenger side but apparently didn’t drive. The bank guard said the guy was not in the bank. My brother in law honked the horn, no response. After waiting a couple minutes and sensing my frustration, my brother in law went in the pick up and told the lady he is moving the car. She said okay, my husband is in Scooby’s eating! Rude, arrogant, f’n stupid, and and and
  10. oztony

    oztony DI Senior Member Blood Donor

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    Have to agree 100% on that one Pat , absolute swine behaviour , had a similar thing last week , except I knew the perpetrator , not well or by name but we both know who each other is , I just walked into his open plan office area and in front of a dozen people said ; "move your car *sshole" , no other words were spoken , by anyone , he got up and walked outside , when he got to his car , I was already in mine , I put the window down and politely said , thanks for that . A disability type reason I can understand this sort of thing , but when people are just that lazy that they don't want to walk and extra 20 yards , its aggravating.