New developments came to light today, which totally changed the type of poison inflicted in the wound. If a wound is festering and infected, you cut it open to get the puss out and deal with the poison, you don't put a bandaid on it and hope it goes away. Like it or not, this is a festering wound to this forum, and the puss has to come out and the poison revealed before it can heal. Maybe you can't see that, but I do. The spirit of this forum is nothing like it was just three weeks ago. Now that we have a little better understanding of what actually happened, maybe we can move on. Roger? Larry
What i see is this. The Barrio turned out to be a catastrophic failure, and during those couple dark days the animals were running the zoo, and were pissed off about an article in the paper negative toward foreigners. That was followed by a foreigner paper contributor more or leads agreeing with the negative article in his own unnecessary article. Human nature is for the minority to protest. Someone then copy and pasted and modified posts we entered and the were then distributed at the mall. Score: them 2, us 1. We lost and took a beating. Something more than that?
The last article I have seen was posted here, and in fact you responded to it;
And what did you see before this new development today was announced? Were you pleased with the results and info you had, and would you rather not have known the new information? Who were the animals running the zoo, and were they being obedient animals, or were they running wild and attacking others? Who were the lead animals and who was backing them up with attacks of their own? The Barrio was only a failure because of a few animals that just could not quite stay in their pens. If there had been no attacks, there would have been nothing for whomever to copy and paste from, nothing passed around at the mall, and nothing for whomever to display to the outside world. Remember there were TWO rules in the Barrio. The Mouse wants me to shut this forum down. Right now. Today. This IS her website. (I'm quite certain that would make a few animals just happy as sh*t.) It has destroyed the life we had and is now eating away at our relationship. The only question left is, which animals would rejoice, and which animals would whimper? The answer may surprise us all, but it will be easier to keep this zoo open if we know which animals are friendly and which will bite. As of now we seem to have some that appear friendly but are highly poisonous and will bite when nobody is looking. I'm going for a beer, good night. Larry
Did you read the original post? Or perhaps you knew before today that Muddyfeet did not say anything, and that the entire thing he was accused of was copy/pasted from other's posts?
So what are you after by continuing in the wrong direction? Apologies have been made, no more people to throw under the bus. Get over it.