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Sibulan Parking / Entrance fees Sibulan Airport

Discussion in 'Surrounding Areas' started by Vicmico, Sep 10, 2014.

  1. Vicmico

    Vicmico DI Member

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    Received this wonderful piece of information on our FB page:

    The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) announced recently to collect a fee for parking at the airport in Dumaguete. The letter of the CAAP about the Dumaguete Airport Parking Fees reads as follows:

    Notice to the public
    By the authority of the Director General, CAAP shall be charging parking fees effective October 1, 2014 with the following rates:

    Vans, Cars, Tricycles and others- Php.10.00 for the first two (2) hours and php 10.00 for succeeding hours or a fraction thereof.
    Motorcycles- Php 10.00 for the first two (2) hours and Php 5.00 for the succeeding hours or a fraction of thereof.
    Overnight Parking- Php. 300.00 (handwritten: 6P.M. – 6 A.M.)
    CAAP Dumaguete Management

    Have a nice day (if still possible).....
  2. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Northern Junob, Dumaguete City
    +5,234 / 1,090
    Now there is a Surprise!

    Of course, it was only a matter of time before this happened.

    Their Argument will be, We are just following the rest of the World.

    Maybe facilities will change also, (To bring them into line with the rest of the World.)

    :confused: We know this will never Happen, so I guess we will just have to swallow it, like the rest of Stuff they come up with. O-|

    JP :rolleyes:
  3. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    I think the fees are reasonable, but am a little confused about this part;

    Overnight Parking- Php. 300.00 (handwritten: 6P.M. – 6 A.M.)

    So does this mean that if you leave a vehicle overnight you pay P300 for 6 pm to 6 am, then an additional P10 per hour for the rest of the day? On several occasions we have left a vehicle there while out and about, it is reasonably secure, but usually we are gone more than one day...
  4. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

    Trophy Points:
    Happily Retired
    Northern Junob, Dumaguete City
    +5,234 / 1,090
    Clarification needed maybe ?

    :rolleyes:So on that premise, I guess you would be Looking at 420 peso a day in Total. Yes? :confused:
    If it is secure I guess it is Reasonable, if you are away.

  5. Dave_Hounddriver

    Dave_Hounddriver DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    Its not reasonably priced at all. When I lived in Cebu I used to leave my car parked at the Mactan airport for days at a time when I went on short trips. I forget the actual amount but it was in the vicinity of 50 pesos a day so even comparing Philippines to Philippines it is way above a fair price (if the 420 a day number is accurate).

    HOWEVER. If they have insufficient space and are trying to discourage people from parking there then I get the point.
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  6. OP

    Vicmico DI Member

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    Dave, I've parked the car there several times during the last couple of years (4-5 nights in a row) and have always found ample room, so it's not a matter of the place being overcrowded. I have no problem paying for overnight / long-term parking (provided security is present), but paying just to drop someone off or pick someone up is somewhat ridiculous. I also wonder how the couple of establishments in that area are going to be affected: Paying an entrance fee for your bike when you want to get something to eat or have a drink?
  7. Dave_Hounddriver

    Dave_Hounddriver DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    I did not realize it was a fee to enter the airport. You are right, a group of us who have breakfast at the airport cafe once a month will not be going there if they have an entrance fee. Too many other choices. But the business might decide to give a discount in the amount of the entrance fee to keep locals coming there (we can hope).

    Edit: When I think about it, I would just park out on the National Highway (posted for no parking but lots park there anyway) and walk in. Its not much of a walk.
  8. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    I based my opinion on the fact that we pay P20 per hour to park in downtown Cebu, a straight hourly rate which gets expensive if we spend several days.

    Out of curiosity I researched airport parking fees of other Philippine airports. Of course most are not listed online.

    You can park your car in our parking lot for the duration of your trip. Parking costs only P300.00 for a 24-hour cycle plus P15.00 for every additional hour or a fraction of an hour.

    Park and fly is P381 for 24 hours.

    The Clark International Airport (CRK) has a Park & Fly that costs PHP 90.00 per day.

    A Parking Fee of PHP 30.00 per hour shall be charged for vehicles that shall park at the Clark International Airport (CRK) parking lot.

    Zamboanga International Airport;

    "The rates will be P20 for cars and other four-wheel vehicles for the first two hours and additional P10 for the next succeeding hours; and P10 for motorcycles for the first two hours and additional P5 for the next succeeding hours," the city government said.

    Iloilo is P250/day, I couldn't find any info on overnight parking in Iloilo

    Naga is p10 per hour or P100 for 24 hours

    CDO P150 for overnight parking.

    Waterfront Cebu park n fly is P350. I couldn't find the parking fee for Cebu, but it appears to be in the P100-P150 area judging by posts on LinC. However they also state the security is rather lacking.

    So it does appear the fee of P300 is rather on the high side compared to other Phils airports, and if it is only for 12 hours it is over the top. I didn't mind the raise in terminal fees, but had hoped they would make some improvements with that added revenue. The only improvement I saw last time I was there was they did get ONE xray machine working. On the positive side on the parking fee it is reasonably secure. I have been there when there was no place to park, but it usually is not full.

  9. Dave_Hounddriver

    Dave_Hounddriver DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    Well researched, Larry, but where on earth do you pay:

    I will surely avoid that area. I usually park at SM Mall or my hotel (Diplomat) and take taxis/walk where I need to go from there.

    EDIT: My quote of 50 pesos a day to park at Mactan Airport was from about 5 years ago. I see the prices are going up all over when I read on Paul's forum where someone said last year:

  10. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    We use one of several pay parking areas in the Sanciangko area, as they are relatively secure (guard on site) and within walking distance of Cebu Century where we usually stay.