Dumaguete Info Search

The site has a new owner

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by shadow, Sep 18, 2014.

  1. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    Not my decision, really. Rony came to the conclusion two months ago that this site will never be free from major issues, and declared she wanted nothing more to do with it. She's right, of course. Without her support I don't stand a chance. I don't have the temperament, health, drive, or finances to make it work without her. We will be refunding the money to the investors in the upcoming days.

    The site is in more capable hands, this is best for all.

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  2. tomtorific

    tomtorific DI Senior Member

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    Best of the Best to you and Rony. Don't be strangers
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  3. simple mind

    simple mind DI Forum Patron

    Trophy Points:
    +19 / 4
    Sorry to hear that, I am especially sad to remember how much you had to endure with the attitude from some of the DI members...
    But I am happy that the you two found a solution that hopefully will allow you to restore your former life...
  4. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Is it still, a Secret?

    Larry, a sad day Indeed but DI will continue. this is all people here wanted. There will always be Innuendos thrown about and Speculation will only lead to more innuendos,
    You came to the front and sadly, it did not work out. That is a great shame but then, that is part of life's Tapestry.

    I am sure, We all wish you well and no doubt a great burden, has been lifted from your personal Life. Your continued presence on the board will I am sure, will please many.

    However, whilst quite a few of us were to some degree, knowledgeable as far as we could have been, about things happening.
    Do you think it would be Good and Encouraging to let us know who, our new Captain is.


    ps. PM on it's way
  5. OP

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    At this point in time I think it best for all concerned that we not disclose all that transpired. There were some pretty serious breaches of trust, and that is all the information I am willing to part with at this time. Further specifics will do no good to anyone on this board, and may cause undue hardship for some.

    You recently pointed out there are no friends in business. I think you are right, and if I had it to do over again would ban all my friends and personal acquaintances to begin with, and Rhoody's friends and aquaintances, thereby eliminating many of the problems right up front. Funny thing is, after all the warnings from numerous individuals telling us that Rhoody was going to cause us problems, Rhoody has done nothing against us that I can tell since I had a beer with him in February. I could never figure out what we did to Rhoody anyway. How did our buying the site do anything against him? Unfortunately for Rhoody, I think the new owner is going to put a stop to his copycat site. I never would have done that so long as Rhoody caused us no problems. He is just trying to support his family here, which is tough enough without making enemies out of everyone.

    Our new captain has what it takes to take this site to the next level. I no longer have the energy to even try, my health is more important. Some will like what he does, and some will not. If he wishes to disclose his ownership he will do so. As far as I am concerned, with the current laws and activity this site is known for, completely anonymous ownership and moderation is the only way to go.

    We are both just happy to be getting out of this without anyone getting hurt too bad. As I said, it was not really my decision, but it IS the right one for all involved. A happy wife makes for a happy life.

  6. redneck

    redneck DI Forum Adept

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    +10 / 0
    Thank you, Larry, and may you have a happy and blessed life!
  7. blueskies

    blueskies DI Forum Adept

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    +204 / 35
    I respect your decision, it is really hard to unchained the challenge you been through. It is like going to a war to defend yourself and to win the battle.
    Yes business can kill, un friend, unlike and complicate relationships like facebook status.

    Just like You and Rhoody, and any of those Expat Filipina couple we all struggle to survive our principles, daily lives, businesses and relationships.

    I know Rhoody & Broadside and I like them, I didn’t say anything about them here in the forum because I respect the new owners and other opinions. I remained not to be sensitive in any current issues arise.

    Here are my few cents that I want to share because I want to keep a harmony of every struggling couples;

    Few years ago,Aside from my real estate,I started to venture a restaurant . I put myself 101 percent into it, I take all responsibility. Then without awareness, I failed my relationships: as a mother, a friend, a wife and as a human being.

    I forgot my garden, I didn’t paint for 18months, I didn’t have sex for 18months(no joke), my daughter had plenty of pimples, ups &down trials, I forgot my farm, my animals, I forgot to appreciate the beauty around me.. Its all because I was too busy of getting another success story of my life.

    When we started getting negative figures my depression hit me for the second time around. I started to lose weight from 46kgs down to 40kgs, then wanted to dis appear and quit my loving husband. But of course! My gwapo husband:cool: is like Brad Pitt! And I’m his Angelina Jolie!:o He rescued me, he saved me… he told me this magic words:
    1.)that” I should think that we where in the Casino and lost the game”….
    2.)If I quit him, I will lost my daughter
    3.) I will get very few money because we don’t have enough
    4.)And I will again start in the beginning….

    I slept with few glasses of good wine that evening and wake up with a smile on my face!! And the rest was a history.

    Now, I care for myself, my health, my family and a work a little.

    Good luck Larry and Rony…good decision."A happy wife makes for a happy life.":dnr:
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    Trophy Points:
    +8 / 0
    To a dynamic dou -may ur life continue to have the rewards of good health & the friends that you both have found to be real along this journey - big thx 4 ur effort and personal help/guidance thom n rose
  9. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    I'll go ahead and throw it out there. VisayaCom is now operating the forum. VisayaCom is a US based company that I own.

    Starting with a clean slate: any problems that existed prior to me owning the site are really of no concern to me. Going forward I will ensure that any existing or future copycat sites/social media accounts/advertising companies that use the DumagueteInfo name are taken care of. If you, or anyone you know, operates one of these sites I would kindly ask you to cease any and all activities that violate the DumagueteInfo copyrighted name. If this warning is ignored I will take legal action. I really don't want to take it to that level but I will go to extreme measures to protect my investment. I will deal with any other problems as they come. Understand that this site is now owned and operated in the US. I would highly suggest that anyone with a problem about things posted here contact me first and then read up on US law.

    With that being said I believe that competition is a healthy thing. It encourages constant improvement from owners and ultimately makes the experience better for the customers (you guys). If your business gets a bad review (I will do my best to ensure that they are factual) then you might want to consider improving your services. Filing a defamation case will do nothing for you, no part of this website falls under Philippine judicial jurisdiction and you will be doing nothing but wasting your money on lawyers.

    The site is in the process of moving servers right now. If you experience some problems in the next couple days I apologize for any inconvenience to you. Please keep checking back with the site as I plan on making some major changes to the look and feel of DI (you will see blue). I also plan on adding some new options for advertisers in the coming months. Once those options are available I will announce them on the main site and forum. I am also working on a new logo for the site. I'll give everyone a heads up before any major changes.

    Concerning the forum members: nobody has anything to worry about. Nobody is on my ban radar. This forum has very few members on the ban list. I think that speaks greatly for this community. The one thing I do hope to change is the number of active members. To do this I will be adding a lot of content to the main site and work hard and linking to outside sources. My hope is to attract more people and businesses to this site, and ultimately, Dumaguete City. I want this to be a place a knowledge for people looking to vacation and move to Dumaguete and I want your help with that.

    I have already made a few minor changes to the forum. Some of this behind the scene and a few on the front end that you might have noticed (different titles, tapatalk). I am open to ideas from you guys/gals. I will open a new subforum where you can have your input/complaints.

    Please excuse any typos as I have managed to get my own IP banned from accessing the current servers. I have to type this with my phone on my mobile Internet. If you have any question or complaints please feel free to send me a PM.
  10. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    For you Larry and your dear wife Rony, the right decision has been made.
    All that has been said and done should now be put behind you both, move on to the next chapter.
    Wishing you both peace, happiness and good health, many blessings JB