Maybe if there were not 99999999!!! trikes in Duma...traffic would not be so bad..trike drivers/owners would all make more money from less traffic congestion and more available fares and maybe we wouldn't have Manila traffic in Duma. Just sayin
The local government may have a bit to do with that , as all the pedicab operators have to pay licence fee's . It's not about what is reasonable or works , it is all about the money
I dont use a trike much as I have a car..but when I do I always look for a license..which I do believe is supposed to be displayed.. I have not seen one as yet. At least not in Dumaguete..but I did in all the other cities I have lived while I know that there are way too many trikes.. undoubtedly there are more unlicensed ones here as there is no mandate ( or enforcement) to even show they are licensed..*AND* when they do setup blocks to catch the unlicensed.,( have seen them in Dumag). the trikes txt msg each other to keep from going that direction and getting caught by the *CROCODILE*...seen it many times.. pass a stop..and go 2 blocks and see all the trikes just pulled over waiting for enforcement to get tired of standing in the sun..about the closest thing I have seen to a union in the PHils
You normally see the license on the person not the Trike. Most are hirers of the trike and all have to have a Licence not just the trike.
Correct JP , a lot of the drivers hire the trike from the owner , php300 and so on for a period in the day , Ed , I think you will find most of the pedicabs , if not all are licensed because otherwise the other drivers would just dob them in , because of the competition with so many trikes.
Nonsense! The number of trikes is just below 2500 since 10 years. The motorbike/scooter number increased a little bit. There was no problem driving back then. The problem is that now everybody needs a car, the bigger the better. This number explodes and causes the traffic issues. Most of the owners are worse motorists than a drunk trike-driver on shabu
Hang on I will re-phrase that for you Tom, they will "rat them out" , "snitch on them" , and if it was an ex employee that turned into a "whistleblower" and then decided to "sing like a bird" But we will also accept " drop a dime on him" :D
If a picture is worth a thousand words, what's a video worth? Maybe 99999999? I saw 4 autos in the 1:26 vid How many pedi cabs did you count? Now how many pedi cabs with no fares did you count? [video=youtube;V6313quEC7A][/video]