Alex, go to local market,buy brown coconut and get them to grind it. When home put in large bowl and add small amount of water or fresh milk, let it stew for a while and then squeeze it out. Pour coco milk into ice bags and freeze it. Way way cheaper than the canned stuff!
Prices are really going up weekly it seems. Milk goes up a few pesos frequently. Making more foods at home takes more time but beats paying high can costs. Add some new recipes to your diet, buy fresh fruit instead of canned, much tastier. Robinson's for sure is highest price but does carry some items not available in Hypermart. Eat less and lose a kilo or two, best way to save a few bucks.
Hypermart is high in my opinion but as stated above, if you want some imported items, you go there or Robinsons. Robinsons may even be cheaper on a few items than Hypermart. I could not find coffee that had the caffeine strength at a price I liked here so I switched to tea. It's cheaper than a 1.5 L Coke every day, to get my fix.
Did you know that somewhere around 90% of Asians and African are lactose intolerant? The milk really is just brought in for us white folk (not racist, it's just that us "honkeys" are freaks of nature ). I never understood why the prices were so high until I learned that little fact. I was actually amazed and in complete disbelief when I heard that an estimated 70% of all humans cannot consume milk....and that the older you get the more you are likely to become lactose intolerant. I've noticed over time I am becoming intolerant of milk as well. I thought I was just getting bad milk though (so if you think the milk is bad in the Philippines it might just be that you are losing your ability to consume milk) Crazy stuff. :D (Yeah, I know you guys don't believe me. Google that sh*t and see for yourself......and ask your girl when the last time she drank milk was. ) As for food prices in the PI. I always thought they were ridiculously high. I won't pay that kind of money for food. I mostly eat local chicken, those little squids (when it's available in the Valencia market), rice and some vegetables. I eat out for pretty much anything else. I know it's more expensive to eat out but it just pisses me off to walk through the grocery store and see the stupid prices. I'm telling ya, the only things cheaper in the Philippines is beer, smokes and women. I can get anything else cheaper back in my own country.
For those planning on having children, check out the cost of Infagrow toddler formula, a fortified drink they take once mama's milk stops.
For this particular product some additional info. When you have a look upon your receipt, you will read the wedge is being sold by a weight of 230 gram. Looking @the backside of the product you will read the real weight.............almost always lower than 230 gram sometimes even just a little bit above 200 gram. I point this out to a supervisor, guess what no comment and a complete silence. So I took up the matter with Frico customer service in Holland for explanation and clarification. Their answer the machine that cut the wedge is set on 230 gram with a flexibility in weight it could be less but never more. However, the shop owner should fix the price in accordance with the real weight and not according to the standard set weight. Frico said the overall total weight of all wedges is sold by the fixed kilo price. So @least the importer of this product will not be overcharged not for even one peso. I have no idea how the importer is billing these wedges to Lee, Hupermarket or Robinson. But do you believe they will except a bill paying more than the actual weight,. So once again the customers pay the bill (of course) but in uncorrect way. A product like this, for sale in a supermarket in Holland,get a price tag in accordance with the actual weight. For example here in the PH. The receipt says 211 peso for 230 gram which is 91,7 centavos a gram. So a wedge with a weight of 210 gram should cost 210 x 91,7 = 192,57 peso. That 18 peso more it will not make me bankrupt, but it's always very remarkable that the profit of a price round up always is in favour of the shop owner and never of the customer.
Wow, makes me think I better stay put. I was under the impression everything was cheaper over there, and food is a big part of the budget. Might just sit here and enjoy my beans and rice, ha ha