@Mogo51, Welcome to Dumaguete Info! We welcome you aboard, and hope that you'll have a great time here with our community as well. Please consider taking the time to introduce yourself on this thread. Also, if you have any questions on how to use any features on the forum please don't hesitate to ask. Wrye
had this forum recommended to me by Jack Petersen, that is a good enough thumbs up for me. Living in Thailand with Filipino gf, would rather be there. But Phils is our ultimate destination. Dumageute has been recommended as a good place to hang up the sign.
Welcome to the forum and thanks for making the introduction thread. I'm sure you'll find a bit more information than I left you with on the other forum.
Since joining Expat Phils forum, I have really enjoyed the discussions and getting soulnd information and advice from the members. Dumaguete seems to tick most of the boxes for me, except my gf only speaks Tagalog and not Visayan, which could be a minus???
How difficult is it living there with a Filipino? I mean, what sort of visa does she have, in order to stay long term?
I don't think it would take much for her to pick up on Bisaya. I'm sure that once you meet foreigners and their girlfirends/wives that they would be nice enough to teach her the language. She would be subject to the Tagalog tax at first (this is a variation of the long-nose tax that I have seen given by the locals). One of the expats that owns a bar in Dumaguete has a girlfriend/fiance from Manila, it certainly didn't stop my gf and her jabbering away in some language I didn't understand.
http://www.google.com/public/style_emoticons/default/welcome.gif Glad you made it Mogo, Spend some time trawling the Forums, you will find much about our fair City here, Dustin has it set up so that just punch in a Topic into search and up it will come Any Problems or Requests just Shout, and remember, he who shouts loudest gets Heard First JP
Welcome to the Forum. More English spoken here but you will miss the Thai food unless you go to Makati.