I disagree,I doubt the act is told throughout the entire city in the filipino grapevine and that it would be expected by anyone.
Sometime we have to realize that the people here survive (I did not say "live") at a different standard than most foreigner live here. The scraps we offer them is nothing that will really reflect on our standard of living, but may give them a totally different outlook toward foreigners. Sometimes our generosity is a nice gesture, and I certainly is not believe it is expected most of the time. Myself, sometimes I am very generous , and another day I may act like Scourge's Aunti Martha . Yes, the beggars expect and are aggressive in trying to get us to give, even if we don't feel it is appropriate. Personally I enjoy giving to the neighborhood children, at Christmas a stuffed animal goes a long way in making people reach out and trust you in the neighborhood, but these are not beggars. I do not enjoy giving to the children downtown as I am afraid they will become like my Filipino cats, very demanding for a handout everyday.
Lenny what is the problem? I actually like your thought and good nature, we are all entitled to an opinion and I have given mine and I stated this in the very First reply. so why the Shouting.
I seemed to have lost the ban stick. I tried ordering another at Handyman but they were out of stock. Maybe another time.
well done, it is rare to find courtesy here in any shape or form, but when I do, I recognise it and reward it as best I can, as do you. And, conversely when I find a lack of it and rudeness and total inconsideration, which is on considerable occasions, I reward that appropriately also........lol....
Sad to see anger arise out of kindness done to others. It is a choice to share or not to share, a few coins go a long way to many to brighten their day.