Jacob...the wife and neighbors think it was a deliberate act. The vet confirmed he was poisoned based on symptoms. You are correct that rat poison from elsewhere could be the issue as he was great at catching and killing rats but he never would eat one. Going from active to dead in 48 hours was nothing short of shocking. We have good relationships with our neighbors and the ones Cherry has talked to will be keeping an eye out as all their dogs run around compared to ours that are only in the yard. Shawn
I've heard that can be a precursor to a break in. Someone might be trying to get rid of the dogs so they can get in without raising any alarms.
Sorry for your loss Shawn. I have heard of people using car rad coolant to poison dogs also, apparently it's sweet to the taste and you soak the meat in it for 24 hours.
Ethylene glycol is what will kill you in anti-freeze (and tastes sweet). It stops the liquid from freezing and does nothing to help cooling so no real need for it in the Philippines. Not sure if they still put that molecule in the coolant sold in the Philippines though. Antifreeze Poisoning in Dogs | petMD
Jack...this has sucked a lot, my father in law is in shock as he had a bond with our Dalmatian, fortunately our son was in the village last night when Pepper passed on but he is really feeling bad today and refuses to look at where Pepper is buried. You have Midnight and, as I said before, I kept a male from that litter. Now, just over 7 months old, Romo reminds me so much of his father and does not want to leave my side...no doubt dogs feel their owner's pain. We have 7 young pups that the Dalmatian fathered and our son asked today if he could name one of the boys Pepper after their father...obviously I can only go with what an 8 year old wants as he deals with the loss as well. Shawn
What the wife is expecting, as an old electrician and alarms guy every window and door has an alarm. You will never get in my house without us hearing it and it is a very loud system (US) and it works well. Even though it has been a day and it took me over 2 hours to dig his grave in this dry, stone hard soil last night I am mad beyond belief. I will be up throughout the night in the hope someone decides to stop by. Shawn
I am sorry for your loss, Shawn. Anyone who poisons a dog forfits their right to live,in my opinion, but try to contain your anger and not end up in the local "slammer". Revenge is a "dish best served up cold"
FYI---There is no freezing here, but corrosion is a problem everywhere. Most antifreezes now have a serious rust inhibitor as a component, so the intended use (antifreezeing agent) is superceeded by the secondary purpose, anti-corossive
Thanks for all the responses, we appreciate them. It obviously has caused me a great deal of pain as this was our first dog Pepper, the wife and son have really taken this hard. Fortunately we have a pup ,Romo, that we kept from the first litter as well as our Belgian Malinois and the 7 pups they (accidentally for us) put together. Our son has named 2 pups, one is Pepper so I think that is helping him deal with the loss. The wife is talking about getting another Dalmatian...I want to take more time on that but eventually she will get a Dalmatian pup, how can you say no? Angry does not always mean foolish (though once you add alcohol it can). Shawn