Hmm. Everything I find says it's a thing of the past so the forum fixing it must be a "correction". How Many Spaces After a Period? Ending the Debate : The World's Greatest Book Nothing Says Over 40 Like Two Spaces after a Period! | Cult of Pedagogy One Space or Two? Sentence spacing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Double Spacing After a Period Could Reveal Your Age Some say that it is alright to use two spaces but admit that it is not standard practice. How long ago was that?
MLA style - Whatever pleases the Professor(!) - one or two is acceptable - whichever the Prof wants. How many spaces should I leave after a period or other concluding mark of punctuation? APA style suggests using two spaces between sentences to aid in readability. Purdue OWL: APA Formatting and Style Guide AP Style Single space between sentences - probably to be able to cram more text onto a page. Purdue OWL: Journalism and Journalistic Writing I usually use two spaces to aid in readability in all my personal correspondence. But it does depend on who I am submitting my formal stuff to. nwlivewire
Two spaces after full stop, one after comma, one after hyphen. As I was taught, but it was a long time ago!
For writing papers/thesis/dissertations, US professors are adamant about double spacing after a period, use 12 point font, double space, 5- space indention. It's been a practice for me since I finished my graduate school just last year. But who really cares now when they are no longer under scrutiny and not graded anymore lol!!
Oh! you would be surprised who does my friend, there are many, even on DI who just love to Point out this sort of thing. To me as long as it looks good and Sounds good with some sort of proper grammar and punctuation then it is a hit for me. Sometimes Spelling will get a ribbing but that is always going to be an iffy one where the words are spelled (Spelt) differently depending Which side of the pond you are from. JP
I am not so strict about punctuations when the form of writing is very informal just so I get the jest of what the other person is trying to relay. It will be very annoying if someone goes their way correcting every punctuation as everyone does not have the same level of education. Even doctors or lawyers do not waste their time just trying to ensure their punctuations are correct; English teachers probably would but why waste time when we are not here to submit a research paper? Just my thought....
i agree..most times i dont use any punctuation marks... lots of dots and spaces..this is an informal forum ..i glean useful info from the english correct and the others as well..thank you for listening to my rant..xhippie
My writing in forums and other informal venues are written in my personal style and with my personal use of punctuation. School papers and other formal submissions are in accordance with whatever format is officially used. nwlivewire