Yeah, great timing to get that letter in the mail. Hopefully with me currently being in Afghanistan and not having a residence in the state (drivers license shows Philippines) they will pass on me. If not... I'm a firm believer in jury nullification for any non-violent drug related cases. I don't vote and I've never been registered to vote, don't know how they got my name. Bastards. It pissed me off they asked my race on the form (I'm part of the human race) and I checked the exemption box due to the financial hardship I would face if I had to serve. (Traveling back and forth from the Philippines a couple times a week/month would be a massive hardship don't ya think?
Happened to me before; after I retired from the AF I needed to renew my drivers license. I used my sisters address as I did not have one in the US; a couple years later she got a letter for jury duty that she sent to me. I called the number and explained that I was working in Korea at the time and she told me to put that on the response and send it in. Never heard anything else after that. Shawn
I filled out an online form. Haven't heard anything back from them since I posted this. Guess they bought it.
Just a slight Digression here if I may. An Old friend of Mines Uncle in the UK, was summoned and did not reply to the Original Summons. He had moved 2 or three times and Got Divorced. Any way the Police Turned up at his last known address with an arrest warrant for failure to appear. My friends Aunt was beside herself. My friend went to the Police Station and asked, why are you Trying to arrest a Dead man. Now back to the Thread proper, In the UK and unless it has changed, you can only be called for Jury Service once, can I ask if it is the same in the US? JP
Every state has it's own rules on it. I was called up in Indiana (I had a driving license there about 15 years ago). Indiana law says: That could be once a year or once every 10 years, depends on the number of trials and nonexempt way of really knowing.