Any refrigerator tech's out there? My 8 year old sharp has a problem, The compressor and defrost heater works fine. The evaporator fan is good but not getting any power. I'm thinking its the defrost timer, but my understanding is that the timer cycles both the compressor and the evaporator fan... So just to be as clear as possible, while the compressor is running there is no power to the evaporator fan that does work. Thanks in advance..
Try RTI aircon services. They r the best in city imho. Down the blvd past port, turn left at Chinese looking sign, go to next intersection and turn right (past Harold's mansion). Look for them on your right a few blocks down, office on right when you drive in....
Is the light switch in the door working. The fan shuts off when the door is opened to prevent the fan from sucking in warm air while the door is open. also on some units there may be a wire on the defrost timer that powers the fan. You also could look up the model on the internet to see if you can find a wiring diagram for that model RTC is good also
I was thinking as there is no light in the freezer and the fan always ran with the door open It couldn't be the switch.... How wrong I was and how right you are, it was the switch as you suspected. Thanks for the tip.... By the way I have had good luck with JRAS, it's very close to my house and it was already there. They found and fixed the problem plus pick up and delivery only P750--- Happy camper Ron......
There is also an official SHARP ref and aircon service center on the highway opposite Ang Tay golf field.