We don't often go there at night as the drive home can be just too exciting but what happens for the cinema customers ? do they just enter / exit by the escalator with the broken upside close to the cinema ?
Yes. And when the down escalator is broken you have to walk down the broken escalator. I think its interesting that those "very intelligent people " Dustin wrote about are smart enough to keep the downtown store open until 9 but they like to close the mall at 8 most nights. And when the close the mall at 8, that means at 7:45 they are trying to lock up the department store and get people to leave because the employees want to go home. I have never heard of a store making money with doors locked.
Most people go down those escalators (sometimes broken, sometimes not) but I've seen plenty of people start walking to the front exists. I always park in the rear when I go to an afternoon movie so couldn't really say for sure. If there are no customers (not people just walking around...which is probably what most people in there are doing) buying things then they are certainly going to be losing money by paying the employees more/keeping the lights on. Maybe the downtown store makes more money later in the afternoon than the mall branch does because there are more shoppers (with money) there? It might also have something to do with the competitors staying open until 9 in that area and they stay open because of that? Perhaps the "customers in the later after noon are the ones stopping in to walk around in some aircon after work (and not spend anything) before they head back to Bacong or towns further south. I'm really not sure on why they do what they do.....but I'm sure they have their reasons. A corporation as big, and profitable, as Robinsons surely knows what they are doing and what their customers/tenants want. FYI: I sent them an email asking how they determine their hours of operation. Even if they can't provide any solid answers I'm sure the reply (really hope there is one) will have some entertainment value.
The email is a good idea. Let us know what they say. As to the people walking to the front exit, when I go to the last movie of the day there is no exit into the mall. Everyone must go down the broken escalator. The mall access is roped off with 2 security guards.
I have to agree that 9pm makes more sense for any mall to stay open until. I think it has to do something with the tenants and worker hours. Maybe the way its setup now allows the tenants the least possible amount of workers. Maybe 1 more worker would need to be fit in with a number of the stores because of labor laws that have tightened and such and are enforced better in the malls. The reason I'm wondering if its that is I have noticed before when the mall has had extended hours in the past a few years ago a number of business's were still trying to close at 8pm instead of 9pm while the rest of the mall was still open. I saw a number of times in the extended hours maybe 1/3 of the places closing at 8pm and some closing even at 7:45. I also don't see why not opening at 9:30am or 9am even as often come 9:30am a crowd is already building up and if they offered 1 more movie showing in the morning I think it may benefit even more.
More to say on this! Am I the only one; Who will often be sitting home at 7 pm or so and think about going to Robinson's Mall for something but change your mind because traffic is still a bit heavy at 7 and its likely I would not get to the mall before they start closing up the shops? Who will be walking along the boulevard between 7 and 8 pm and think it would be nice to pick up a few things at the Mall but by the time I could get there it would be closed? Who would rather go to the mall in the evening when traffic is light than during the day when fighting tricycles? Or who would actually be at the Mall, buying things, and see the stores start to close the doors and decide to go home with the money unspent rather than rush around when they would obviously rather be going home than accepting my cash? If I am the only one who ever feels that way then they may as well close at 8 because my business alone won't support them. I only hope that, should they ever try opening until 9 every day they do it for a year before making up their minds whether to continue. It takes at least that long for word to get around and for people to start changing their habits. EDIT: I'm wondering now if I am still harboring that foolish Western concept that the customer is always right. What likely happens is the mall management gets the rich store owners together and says: What time do we wanna close up shop and go home guys?
I would like to see their response. I believe it is because the vendors want it that way to minimize the number of hours worked per employee to keep them as temp hires and not full time employees so they don't have to pay them benefits or overtime..
Plenty of times after eating dinner especially if had dinner out have I thought at stopping at the mall for a few things and such. But never works out as usually finish dinner around 7pm+ then considering travel time and whatever else odds are to high of walking in and half the shops are already pulling down their gates and kicking people out.
I think it may be that they have the hours that they have because the their customer base is captive. If you didn't purchase what you want tonight, you will be back tomorrow. At the moment, where else are you going to go? I was surprised that Manila malls do not stay open later, or open earlier for that matter.
Cangs (sp?) and Lee Plaza have most everything that Robinson's does except the expensive brand name stuff like Guess (which is going out of business at Robinson's Place) and other fashion name brands. Plus lots of other mom and pop type businesses in town.