this is This is certainly off topic but as new member seems cannot make my own posts yet. Does anybody know if there is a Usd 7,000 duty free allowance when importing our(my Filipina wife and my) possessions in to Dumaguete via Cebu. If so, how does oen try and re-claim the initial charge made by the Customs personnel? thanks
If you have a relative that hold a high position in Customs then speak to them. Seeing as that is highly unlikely you are left with the following refund procedure: Buy a mask. Acquire a firearm. Go to Customs Office. Point gun at cashier. Take money. Run. Hard enough to get a refund in the Philippines....and you're trying to get one from THE most corrupt government agency in an infamously corrupt government. Nothing short of pointing a gun in their face will get your money back. My advice: research prices for services prior to paying anyone and test all products prior paying for them. (Don't believe me? Go to buy a lightbulb at a hardware store and watch what happens. Very frustrating. ) Once money leaves your hand chances are almost 0 of you ever seeing it again.
I don't know what visa you are on, but - if you have an SRRV you can import all your personal effects duty free in the first 6 months after issue. ( I brought in a 20ft container - but not cars/motorbikes ). The SRRV requires a deposit in the PRA escrow account, depending on your circumstances, but you can get that back if you then purchase / lease property in the PH. For more detailed info visit the PRA website. I should add that I had no problems at all with the importation (handled by the local agents Goetz in Manila) and nothing was missing on arrival.
Yes if you have a SRRV visa. You get a one time allowance of duty free import. Edit: Darn it I should have read the entire thread before replying AGAIN. Hawk263 already answered the question.