I guess I should know the Answer but will put this out there anyway. We seem to have a problem with tummy aches this morning (Kids mainly) in the Area, getting Ready for yet another visit to SUMC for an ECG, I called into my local Sori Sori for some Load. The Owner was telling me that there is a run on Tummy Remedies, Seems most of the kids affected had bought Ice creams from a Road vendor. Although suffering? I notice that again the Bicycle Vendor is selling well to a lot of people. My Question is , How safe is this stuff?
Before serving food how many street vendors wash their hands after handling cash? Dirty Money: A Microbial Jungle Thrives In Your Wallet Could also be (and I'm sure by now you're hoping) that the dairy product in the ice cream could have been spoiled.
I won't touch the stuff is what I can say. The workers don't know or care about the slightest sanitary conditions. If the ice cream spoiled they will just refreeze it and sell it as they don't want to take the financial loss. What I do buy on occasion is from the known local maker of *ice candy* some of those as they are made fresh and know the local vendor. I'll even eat them occasionally myself but I do look at the quality and if any slight doubts I'll toss it from some vendor unknown.
I get them every day from the man that calls to the house never had a problem and it dont take much to get my pants going up and down.
Yeah I heard your Gf say that too. You are learning things from all those rabbits you got there now? alex