Is anyone monitoring and accurately recording the air quality - or taking labratory samples of the air around the area(s) exposed to these fumes/smoke? V/R, nwlivewire[/QUOTE] I had to laugh at that one. Is someone checking, now that's funny. It just struck me that way. This is Dumaguete we are talking about, right ? Just for conversations sake I was at the hospital about 10 days ago for some tests. One was an x-ray for whatever reason. It showed pneumonia in the lower lungs. Yikes, news to me. No other symptons so come back in 2 months for another x-ray. Could it be the fumes ? Maybe. We only get it if and when the wind changes, maybe a few hours at a time maybe twice a week. The air here is very dirty all the time. We are about 6 kms WNW from Downtown, so where is all the dust/dirt coming from? Beats me, I'll be darned if I can figure it out. The house is closed all the time with a/c on 24/7. But she has to dust every day. Go figure. The roads in our sub are paved by the way. But there are dirt roads not too far away. I doubt they are the source of the dust though. It has me baffled.
I had to laugh at that one. Is someone checking, now that's funny. It just struck me that way. This is Dumaguete we are talking about, right ? Just for conversations sake I was at the hospital about 10 days ago for some tests. One was an x-ray for whatever reason. It showed pneumonia in the lower lungs. Yikes, news to me. No other symptons so come back in 2 months for another x-ray. Could it be the fumes ? Maybe. We only get it if and when the wind changes, maybe a few hours at a time maybe twice a week. The air here is very dirty all the time. We are about 6 kms WNW from Downtown, so where is all the dust/dirt coming from? Beats me, I'll be darned if I can figure it out. The house is closed all the time with a/c on 24/7. But she has to dust every day. Go figure. The roads in our sub are paved by the way. But there are dirt roads not too far away. I doubt they are the source of the dust though. It has me baffled.[/QUOTE] Dear Charlie T.: I am so sorry for your pneumonia, but am glad to read that it was caught in time. But I am concerned to read that no one seems to know whether air quality labratory samples are being conducted and properly recorded. I am also concerned that "This is Dumaguete" and the other lame excuses for perhaps NOT doing these air quality tests may be giving the dump site owners a "pass". Perhaps if the owners and the governmental regulators (AND their families) were to live and work nearby this dump site, perhaps they would be more concerned about this potentially deadly health issue. I feel for all those exposed to this dump site that is impacting the quality of basic life in this area. It now appears to read like this open-air trash site is being allowed to become an ineffectively managed "burn pit". I wish there was a way to raise the concerns of this burning, smoking, and potentially dangerous PUBLIC HEALTH ISSUE. Who can raise these issues of serious concern to those who have regulatory oversite? What steps can be taken by the citizenry to get the regulators to properly and fully monitor this issue? AND report back to the citizenry the results of such regulatory monitoring? Who are the "influence makers" in this area? What pressure can be placed on them to become more pro-active? What steps can be taken to mitigate this in the future? Simply opening up another trash disposal area and doing a "rinse and repeat" set-up like this one is NOT a solution. V/R, nwlivewire
Never forget that life is cheap in the Philippines. The powers that be don't worry, they have a never ending supply of Filipinos and can't possibly run out so 1,000 or 30,000 doesn't really matter, unless the powers that be are included in the number. Of course it's unlikely they will be as they will probably send there family off for a visit while they stay because they can't abdicate their lucrative position. In some quarters, an epidemic may be seen as an opportunity for profit. Experience has taught them to look for profit in tragedy.
You do realize that most third world countries with weak governments (which is pretty much all of them) are very light on the regulations....or enforcing the ones they do have, right? You might have a bit too high of expectations for the Philippines. The Philippines is a libertarian's dream, don't mess with the government and they aren't going to mess with you. There are pros and cons to that. There is absolutely no concern for the citizens, their health or basically anything else......aside from making sure money goes in the right pockets. It's been this way for many centuries and will likely continue to be for another century or two (possibly longer).
Well, your comments put the Philippines onto the lower end of the third world spectrum for sure. Appreciate this as while I sure don't expect a first world system in the Philippines, I will want to have reasonable expectations of what NOT to expect. Which sounds like to not have any expectations on having access to any decent or consistent services. V/R, nwlivewire
The only government service you should expect to always be open/working is Immigration's cash register, but even there the money goes in'll have to come back tomorrow for the change.
The UN rates it at 115 out of 188 on this page List of countries by Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia