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Exit Plans

Discussion in 'Expat Section' started by Rye83, May 13, 2016.

  1. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    The division should have nothing to do with gender. It should be if you pee standing up or pee sitting down.

    People who pee standing up get pee all over the seat. On a particularly bad day, you get "split streams" where you pee everywhere but the toilet.

    Speaking of deformed junk, someone in that situation might pee on the wall, the ceiling or it even might come back and get a spray in the face.

    Peeing standing up is a total mess. That's why we have urinals. And sinks to wash your face with.
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  2. nwlivewire

    nwlivewire DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Army Navy

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    OK OK OK

    I give!


    I'm sure some folks will figure something out to make a win'win out of this losing situation.

    I saw a TV program on transgendered kids where a baby was born with a very deformed/underdeveloped/non-existent penis/testicles and the Doctor recommended surgical removal before age 2.

    The parents took the Doctor's recommend and what little bits were there was removed.

    That was a BIG mistake as the child grew up becoming fully male in gender identity.

    So there is much we know and much we don't know about this medical/physical mis-match.

    This is why a certain amount of understanding and accomodating is needed.

    I guess I just don't see what the big deal is.

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  3. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    What's next? If the half Kiwi - half sheep population grows, will they also get their own private stall?
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  4. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    You do know that it is not just restrooms? It is also gym locker rooms in schools. I am saying that someone who is a girl in a boys body or a boy in a girls body can use either bathroom or gym locker room at will according to the federal law at this moment. The law protects only the gender confused (for lack of a better word) right to do so.

    Nobody is refused access to wheelchair ramps or elevators, or handicap stalls in a bathroom so those who are disabled are granted no extra right.

    This new law in favor of the gender confused to use whatever bathroom or gym locker room they desire, grants them rights that people whose gender identity coincides with their biological identity do not have. The law doesn't state that anyone regardless of race, creed, religion, sex or nation of origin has the same right to use whichever facility they choose. So the gender confused are granted extra rights. That isn't what America is supposed to be about. Have you not heard about the girls wearing their gym clothes under their normal attire because they don't wish to disrobe in front of biological males? What about that girl's rights? Are you saying that a biological teen age male has the right to shower with girls in high school gym class? It's a simple question. It's not just about bathroom stalls.

    For the law not to favor anyone, it would mean that hetero boys could shower with the girls also or hetero girls shower with the boys should they so desire.

    For the law to only grant rights to the gender confused can not be anything but discriminatory, I really don't give a crap if boys can shower with girls or vice versa but I want the law done right, not a new form of discrimination. When this case gets to the supreme court, I'm pretty sure they will agree with me.

    I think it would be cheaper and a decision that nobody could argue against to create the "whatever" facilities be they bathroom, gym locker room area or showers, so nobody is discriminated against.
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  5. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    Kiwi's can still use that stall, but they have to pay short time prices. #moneymaker
    • Funny Funny x 2
  6. nwlivewire

    nwlivewire DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Army Navy

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    Oh Brother.

    Here we go again....

    Do you think it's OK if we can get back to the thread topic of "exit plans"?

    You guys can be a handful sometimes....:locktopic::stop:
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  7. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    I know someone from Malaysia and they are a really great person. They left Malaysia and a data entry job to come wait tables in the US, I'm not comfortable living in countries with such a large muslim population.

    Thailand has too many people leaving right now, these are long time expats who have been there for years, I don't think I could do as well as them with their experience.

    Vietnam, is a possibility although I have been warned it can be expensive. I actually think Vietnam wants to be a commercially successful country which I consider a plus.

    I think I could do fine in Cambodia if I didn't get bored and volunteer to be a member of MAG, the mine advisory group, as in landmines.

    The Philippines would have to get fairly organized in a screwed up way before I would pick one of the other places on your list. From what I hear the Marianas islands, putatively American territory is an option as is Guam. The thing is I have never in my life heard anyone say that they wanted to live on Guam and that it isn't cheap to live there either. It might be a good option if you want an island with competent hospitals and I know there are some travel perks for NWLW.

    If the Philippines took a really bad turn, I might just live in Florida and fish taking the odd vacation now and then.
  8. nwlivewire

    nwlivewire DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Army Navy

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    Dear robert k:

    I get what you're saying. The "exit or Plan B" info I have researched has been concentrated to SE Asia (ASEAN nations) as many ex-pats have a spouse or SO who is a citizen of an ASEAN member nation. And there are or will be some advantages to those with a Philippine National spouse or SO to explore within those ASEAN member nations first.

    I've heard lots and lots of good things about the Georgetown area of Malaysia.

    In terms of religious percentage breakdowns, Malaysia has the following:

    As of the 2010 Population and Housing Census, 61.3 percent of the population practices Islam; 19.8 percent Buddhism; 9.2 percent Christianity; 6.3 percent Hinduism; and 1.3 percent traditional Chinese religions.

    See below for interesting stats of ANTI-ISIS sentiments in Malaysia:

    In nations with significant Muslim populations, much disdain for ISIS


    To those who are single and US citizens, there are other options around the world - to include some States within the US - that are doable for part-time, even full-time living.

    Florida and Texas are two such states that can be Veteran friendly and easier on the pocketbook than say NYC or Los Angeles. Belize, Nicaragua, Panama, and Columbia and Ecuador are a few other nations in that hemisphere where a Yank can do well, too.

    I love to fish, too, so I know my life choices tend to locate me near water. I'm not keen to be swimming in water, though I do enjoy snorkeling (I'd like to try SCUBA diving some day).

    Here's two websites to have fun with. They compare costs of living between two cities around the world.

    Cost of Living

    Expatistan, cost of living

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  9. midway

    midway DI Member Veteran Navy

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    Has anyone considered Belize?
  10. nwlivewire

    nwlivewire DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Army Navy

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    Dear midway:

    YEP! That's where I'm heading to after I complete my degree in tropical forestry/agriculture.

    Well, I must qualify my above statement and say Belize is in my "Number 1" spot, and Nicaragua is in my "Number 2" spot.

    I've visited Belize and have dug down pretty deeply on the social, financial, and legal infrastructures I will be needing. I plan to re-visit Belize right before I leave for the Philippines so that I can get one last "look around" before I depart for SE Asia. If it still looks good, I will initiate a banking set-up there so I can begin to "season" my presence there.

    From my travels around the web and from Cable TV, there appears to be a growing trend of younger, US military retirees moving to Belize. This tells me that Belize is continueing to make their financial systems a friendly and more safer one than ever before. I met several British ex-military there who were "bush pilots", and small business owners.

    As a US citizen, Belize, while in many areas is still "frontier", it nevertheless shows much promise for growth and is welcoming to folks like us. Yes, it has its areas of where not to live, but every nation has "warts" of one kind or another - some more than others. But Belize is on my radar....

    Is there something you're specifically wondering about that readers here can help you with? There is at least one other poster on this website who has already lived in Belize and could possibly give you his take on things.
