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Service in the Philippines (Split thread)

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by Dave & Imp, Jun 19, 2016.

  1. AlwaysRt

    AlwaysRt DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Blood Donor Veteran Air Force Marines

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    I don't think anyone complaining about the service here (specifically waitresses) are expecting to be seated, chair pulled out, napkin placed on their lap, and suggestion of entree with wine choice at a bottom of the pay scale eatery.

    I also don't think it is too much to ask of those staff to know what menu items are supposed to look like and make eye contact with customers once every 5 minutes so they can motion for assistance if they want/need any and go ask what they need instead of treating their place of employment as their bedroom and customers as unwelcomed inconveniences to their FB updates.

    Owners/managers are responsible for staff compliance, lazy staff who ignore customers can only act that way if unsupervised or management doesn't give a hoot either.
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  2. cabb

    cabb DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster ✤Forum Sponsor✤

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    Next time I'm there I need to go on several beer and food runs with you guys.
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  3. cabb

    cabb DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster ✤Forum Sponsor✤

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    Well it does say foreign born, which is a prereq for being an illegal. :wink:

    More Than 4 Out Of 10 Farmworkers In These Three States Are Undocumented

    Every place I've ever been it's cheaper to live in the country than a big city. Properties in Compton are more expensive (and more dangerous) than places where crops are grown in California. So not only does the unemployed guy get a job he also reduces his cost of living, all for the price of bus ticket. A true win/win. :smile:

    Where are your statistics? :wink:

  4. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    Does it really matter where the attitude comes from when it comes to getting, holding and keeping a job? There are too many people with years of experience of living without a job. They already know that mom, dad, aunty, granma won't let you starve or die of exposure so if you get fired, at least you had some party money for awhile.

    For that matter, my family wouldn't see me out on the street either, but I have given them enough money and help in the past and they would know that it was only temporary and I would be helping them again in the future.
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  5. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    I don't get upset with the employees or owners for their horrible service here, it is expected. I really have no issue with getting my own menu, taking my own order, giving that order to the cook, mixing my own drinks or even ringing my own order up when I'm finished (I'd actually prefer to do most of that myself just to reduce the chances of them screwing it up). The only things I expect from a restaurant here are:
    1. The have a menu.
    2. They have the ingredients to make what's on the menu. (They screw this one up quite often.)
    3. They can prepare and cook it in a way that won't make me sick or kill me.
    4. They can (preferably) provide a place for me to sit down while I wait/eat.
    5. They provide something clean to eat it on/with.
    6. They clean up the mess.
    If those 6 things can be met I'm a satisfied customer and I will likely return. I care about the waiters/waitresses being there about as much as I care about the decorative plant sitting in the corner and I'd prefer that most of them were not even there so I could save some money on the food.....but if they can manage to be slightly more useful than the plant in the corner (and that seems to asking a lot for many here)then I'll give them a tip they would expect to get from a local. The only time the staff/owner will hear me complain is if the food is simply not safe for consumption (like when I got ordered pork schnitzel at a place here in Valencia and it came out of the kitchen with the outside fried but the pork inside was only half thawed out). I know that finding staff with half a brain along with the ability to give at least 1/16th of a sh*t is very difficult for the owners.....and getting mad at idiots and/or worthless POS will not make them any smarter or less of a worthless POS. It's not a negative view of people in general, it's just a realistic view based off of observation.

    Note: I'm not saying ALL restaurant staff are worthless/stupid/lazy.....just "many". Been here long enough to narrow my preferred restaurants down to places that don't have retards making up a high percentage of their staff. I give other places a go during times when most people aren't eating meals to give any "challenged" staff the best opportunity to get it right. (And I absolutely refuse to eat at any crowded restaurant in the Philippines. Large crowds = sh*t service/food almost every single time.)

    Click bait title to get conservatives to read (and I assume to post as well) a progressive article. lol Wasn't going to reply with any stats because I'm feeling lazy but since the link provided goes on to refute the very statement attached to it I'll bite. From the article:
    The title was only referencing a few states.

    Another reason Americans might not be lining up for these jobs (also from the article):
    You want Americans to start taking those jobs? Ok, watch what happens to your food prices (which are some of the lowest in the world) when they unionize and farmers/farming corporations have to start paying for higher salaries, better work conditions, health insurance, etc. Think they are going to eat those costs or pass it along to the consumer? Yeah, immigrants (illegal or not) shouldn't be working in those dangerous environments but.....I don't know, or care enough to think about, a solution to their problems; "should have came here the legal way and maybe those problems wouldn't be yours.....but thanks for providing us with cheap food, I guess. :sick:" is about all I can say.

    If a place has a low cost of living you almost always see lower salaries. Money goes further but you have less money to begin with.....putting the poor in the exact same position they were in while working in the bigger city at a higher wage. Comparing Compton cost of living to Hickville cost of living is apples to oranges.

    What exactly is it you think that makes Compton dangerous? Are property and business owners running around raping and murdering people? :meh: If the poor in those types of dangerous areas start moving to Hickville for farm jobs what do you think that might do to the crime rates in Hickville? Cities and regions don't murder people, people murder people.

    And again, farm jobs make up less than 1% of all jobs in the US. It's not a feasible solution to solving unemployment in urban areas.
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  6. ChMacQueen

    ChMacQueen DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    I'm wondering if you even live in the Philippines now as what you say is nonsense for anyone with real experience here.

    Consumers here are NOT willing to negotiate on price or pay more for better quality or service. If the place next door has it 1 peso cheaper they will go there even if your product is much higher quality. I've seen this true from the bottom on up. I've seen BBQ stands where the one with much better bbq only starts selling after the stand next that is 1p cheaper per stick but really *ehh* in quality is sold out because that 1p difference means a lot to them, quality be damned. I've seen people walk to a futher sari-sari store because it sells something 50 centavo's cheaper than the closer store. I've seen people hound to disgusting Angel Burgers who even say themselves it takes like sh*t because they can get 2 sh*t burgers for the price of a decent bit bigger single burger next door. Price is everything and quality means utter crap here. Most Filipino's are more than happy to eat crap food if its cheaper, just dump some vinegar in it to kill bacteria and plenty of sugar to drown out some of the bad taste.

    At my small restaurant my taco for example if fairly small but 50p. Its profit margin is extremely tiny virtually non existent btw. However if I raised its price to 60p so I could make a profit off of every taco I sell but over half my taco market is locals and quite honestly they would stop buying it. I raised my burger 5p as it was in the same boat and lost 2 of my local burger customers who thought 55p for a burger deluxe with lettuce, tomatoes, and cheese was just to much for them. My prices are still dirt cheap because my overhead is small as its at my house.

    You talk on paying workers more so they care? It may be that was occasionally where your from but NOT in the Philippines. At most they are less likely to steal is all. I've seen business's the employer offers a very nice well above average pay plus all benefits and 2 days off a week which for a local would be a cush posh job. Those workers didn't care one bit of the business surviving or making sure customers felt entertained and happy unless that specific customer was known for big tips and even then not all of them cared because they had to split the tips unless they could get away with pocketing it. In the end a good worker is going to care regardless because its a job and they agreed to it but good workers are a rarity to find here no matter the pay.
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  7. cabb

    cabb DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster ✤Forum Sponsor✤

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    How about a restaurant that caters to foreigners? Are they equally as price sensative? Is the customer base there?

    KINGCOLE DI Senior Member Highly Rated Poster

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    Restaurants are springing up on every street corners, like bakeries and petrol stations. Eventually, your customer base is so diluted, that you cannot function, yet your overheads are still the same. Unless you own the premises and are a friend of the local politicians, your chances of success are almost non existent. All restaurants cater for foreigners, you just have to get used to eating crap, most of the time.
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  9. Show Pony

    Show Pony DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    There are restaurants that cater to foreigners, resorts. Customers at resorts are maybe less price sensitive, but those customers are mostly on vacation and living and eating at a resort in no way reflects everyday living in the PI.
    If you want to live a happy life in the PI, accepting things as they are is an important part of being happy.
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  10. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    Are you talking foreigners that live there or just tourists? You can screw a tourist pretty hard because they aren't coming back anyway. I think Casablanca's prices compare well to a small restaurant in the US, probably because they need to keep local customers also. I never went to Andy's Golden Grill but I was told it was good, mostly by Andy himself when I ran into him at Hayahay. None of the locals with me had ever been there. The prices would have kept them away. As many foreigners as there are in the area, how many are going to drop 5 k php on lunch or dinner for a party of 4 on a regular basis? I think Hayahay has the widest appeal. If I have a business I expect to make money I don't just want the well to do peoples money, I want everyone's.
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