Very interesting.....then why are people so enamored with Duterte and his getting rid of crime? I thought Davao was some model city.
Perception is everything in politics. Many people will overlook facts if it makes them feel all warm an fuzzy. I've heard many good things about Davao from people I trust. I think for the most part, much like most cities in the Philippines, it's a safe place to visit for the vast majority of people. However, I would not label it one of the safest cities in Asia as the website numbeo had done. That website is completely based off of how people "feel"....not actual crime statistics. I think it's a bad idea to lead people into believing that the city (or any other) is some utopia that's - mostly - void of crime. It's simply not. 2016 Davao City bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia You have to know the risks to be able to prepare for them. If people believe there is no criminal element in a city they could easily wind up in a place/situation that is extremely dangerous to their well being.
Where is the evidence of the Davao death squad existing? A lot of people say it does, but where is the evidence? Someone once asked on the forum if someone could connect him with the Negros "Cat Commando" and was told it doesn't exist. People believe a lot of garbage with no evidence. If you search long enough you can find a nutcase or liar who says he has been to a secret Nazi base under Antarctica. There are prople in the US who believe in the Mothership! Here we have a guy who claims to be an assassin who only knows one name? Of someone he has probably never met? There is more evidence that Bigfoot exists. Where is the actual evidence? Any reference of Duterte to DDS could just be his sense of humor, or he could be taking advantage of people's mistaken belief. Like telling children about the boogey man or tooth fairy. Or Santa will not come if you aren't asleep. Where is the real evidence? This deluded supposed assassin could have been working for a copycat of a fictional organization that was working for themselves and not part of the DDS, just a gang. How would he know? He can't name anyone but Duterte, who he probably never met? Where is the real evidence, tangible evidence? Ballistics? Forensic? Why isn't anyone else coming forward to back the guy up and give their interview? Why isn't this guy giving up anyone but Duterte, would his life be in greater danger, giving up the people he claimed to actually work with? This guy is just not credible and there appears to be no actual evidence.
"Ako, ako daw death squad? True, that's true," he (Duterte) said in an interview with Gikan sa Masa Para sa Masa. Duterte admits links to Davao Death Squad Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
Hmmmmmmm maybe he will do all this himself, to save the J Edgar Hoover effect That way no one can touch him Just a thought
Like I said, Duterte has a strange sense of humor. He might have just claimed that for the benefit of the gullable. Or was using it like parents might use the Boogeyman or Santa Claus. People make claims all the time that they think will enhance their reputation. Duterte is a politician. I suppose you believe everything he says? Or do you just believe this because it fits your bias? I once met a meth head named Steve who claimed he was the second coming of Jesus Christ and that meth was the hidden mana. Doesn't make any of it true but he had some people believing it. People frequently walk into police stations and confess to being the Unibomber or some other crap. Some may even believe their own story. It doesn't make it true. They don't give any specifics as this "hitman" doesn't and they wind up in county mental health hospitals or driven to the city limits and told not to come back. Duterte was the mayor, that would make him the top law enforcement officer in his city. If there was a cop who was part of a death squad, then Duterte would have a link as Mayor to a death squad.
This is how it's done, you name everyone involved. It gives you credibility. Unlike the supposed "hitman".
Starting to see how such an organization is allowed to exist? Even when a politician blatantly admits involvement people say he was only joking and then quickly change the topic.
Nope. Posted so you can see how someone turning states evidence gains credibility by naming everyone involved. It shows they know what they are talking about. If the guy said stuff about DeLima only, then he would have no credibility.
Excuse me. That noise you just heard was me vomiting thinking how bad a 3 hour sex with DeLima would be. I guess everybody has their price but money can't buy sanity.