Dumaguete construction industry with hotels sprouting in the city, the latest of which is the Sierra Hotel, while land preparation for the Quest Hotel is ongoing in barangay Piapi. City Mayor Felipe Remollo has also confirmed that having Fil Invest already in the city, with land preparation for the construction of Quest Hotel in Piapi, and the soon-to-rise condotel and marina in that area, will change the entire face of the boulevard and also affect the business climate of the entire city with job opportunities in the pipeline. After hearing that Fil Invest is in the city, another businessman has signified his intention to construct a floating restaurant along the boulevard. The businessman, whom the mayor did not identify, visited him at city hall yesterday to seek for guidance. Remollosaid he is initially amenable to the project, provided the design of the floating restaurant will complement the city's master plan of the Rizal boulevard with the beach volleyball court ready for expansion up to the Silliman portal by the sea. DAILY STAR: Negros Oriental
Interesting that it took so long to hear they are in town. They have had a sales office near the boulevard since that coffee shop closed down. They seem to be selling condos. One interesting thing is that the condo building, (at the far end of the boulevard), that could not get off the ground for the last 3 years is growing leaps and bounds now there is some competition on the way.
Its already on the boulevard, down by the tourist police end. Its just some youngsters with a net who play there but he powers that be built up the land a little bit.
IMHO (RB), is a pure shithole beggars, sh*t, p*ss more beggars, might have been a time when it has some enchantment to it, those days are long gone, a few more substandard hotels with a floating restaurant, will give it the added flare, and the Ceres roaring by at break neck speeds , OR YOU WANNA BUY A LOLEX , so called local politicians should be ashamed of themselves , ( not one forward bit of planning goes in to this town), they should be expanding outwards not upwards.
I'll give P80 if it doesn't break while I'm setting the time....and then give it to the old lady's brother as a bday gift.
It could be a d*mn nice place to hang out if they closed it for any motorized traffic at least on weekends / evenings. Set up some parking space on either end of the blvd, transportation of those who cannot or just are too lazy to walk a bit could be handled by electric or muscle powered tricycles.
when offered (wiagera) simply say to them "hipusa na !!!!".................it means keep it yourself , will startle them