Here is what the CDC says. "Low-income groups may also be identified through occupational screening programs. These programs may be voluntary or mandated by law or regulation. Unskilled laborers, migrant farm workers, and lower paid health-care workers are occupational groups that include a large percentage of low-income persons. Food handlers may also be an important group to screen for tuberculosis. Such screening is not done to protect customers of food establishments since M. tuberculosis is not transmitted through contaminated food and is unlikely to be spread in food establishments. However, many food handlers are from medically underserved low-income populations and/or foreign-born persons from countries with a high prevalence of tuberculosis (9)." Screening for Tuberculosis and Tuberculous Infection in High-Risk Populations Recommendations of the Advisory Committee for Elimination of Tuberculosis So the CDC is basically saying all of the Philippines should be screened, not just the food handlers. Only the super elite in the Philippines are able to live a life without coming in regular close contact to "low-income" people or groups. So there is that as well. I think any forced screening in the Philippines is a good thing. I think maybe they should be doing the skin test as well to catch those with the inactive strain.
TB is a large red flag for those young ladies or people trying to get a ride to the US on the back of an American Expat. I believe even if is cured TB is still an orange flag, for the American immigration medical groups.
Years ago I had a import export lumber and furniture business in Cebu. My wife and my partners wife were both required to have annual chest xray's.
Obviously a shocker of a day for this fella, pepper sprayed by a brave local after an accident, suppose he should be glad it wasn't a firearm I guess. (Vehicular accident in front of South City Elementary School, Mangnao.)
Seems the Filipino wasn't too happy about being chased by the foreigner after he hit the foreigner and ran. That should teach the foreigner.
And did any of us witness what happened. Some of the comments on Facebook were troubling, as some Filipinos obviously hate our guts.
...and some obviously don't. With all the comments my wife and I read I still am not exactly sure what happened. Like what happened in Ferguson, there seems to be eye witnesses that were not actually there.
Happens a lot here and with a Sworn Statement the PNP believe it, I wonder sometimes just how much Investigating they actually do after such Statements are submitted?