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Vehicles & Servicing I can't find a qualified and trustworthy car mechanic.

Discussion in 'Businesses - Services - Products' started by Libra, Aug 4, 2017.

  1. Dave_Hounddriver

    Dave_Hounddriver DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    Some of the bill was as I expected, quoting 5 K when when the actual parts and labor was double that. A little bit was unexpected parts that they texted me about before installing. A big part of the bill was "bait and switch" on a back up camera.

    Here's how the "bait and switch" works. 3 times I asked and confirmed that they could/would sell and install a back-up camera for their advertised price of 1,800 including installation. 3 times they confirmed they could do it, no need to pay in advance, yes it is confirmed we will do that.

    So when I went to pick up the car they had installed a 4, 500 peso camera with additional 600+ for installation. Why? Because the one for 1,800 they were showing me was camera only, no monitor. I had asked if they could install it with my existing monitor and they said "no need" it comes with a hanging monitor. Had they sent a text before installation I would have said no thank you. So of course they did not. VERY unprofessional as they had already sent a text to confirm a rear seal replacement so I know they had my number and knew how to send a text.

    So be cautious with Roberts. Get one job done at a time. Get an estimate. And be sure they stick to it. Oh yeah, one more thing. When the job was done the "check engine" idiot light was coming on. The mechanic assured me that all was fine in the engine so I would have to find someone with a computer hookup to find out why the light was coming on. They don't have one at Roberts. I'd still go back there as the work seems to be done well. I would just be more careful about seeming to be a rich 'Kano.

    So does anyone know where I can find a mechanic with a computer that will find out why the "check engine" light is coming on?
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  2. silverbullet

    silverbullet Ring Ring. Who's calling? Showcase Reviewer

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    Your best bet is always an authorized dealer that specializes in your car brand. Nissan in Banilad in good and honest. B-Man in Sibulan is great for panel work and oil change. I wouldn't touch any small backyard operation, been there seen it all.
  3. Brian Oinks

    Brian Oinks That's Mr. Pig to you Boy! :) Highly Rated Poster

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    Negros Oriental - Near to Zamboanguita ;)
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  4. sheepdog

    sheepdog DI New Member Showcase Reviewer

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    car nut anything with cars and old bikes
    Europe - negros oriental
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    Antifreeze or now called cooling water , has all the right things inside to protect your engine , most engines these days are alloy made and also most parts on it , the cooling water protects your engine against rust ,between gasket and keeps the engine clean use of basic water is no good for any new Modern car, most come in different collors , I preffer red as it marks very easy if you have a small leak . there are good mechanics in Dumaguete but most of the time the boss is not spending monney on some good tools and educating there staf to work on new cars .Even the main dealers in the dumaguete area can't read there own make's ecu , Maybe I should start a Garage in the phillipines ,but only for fun then , love to solve car problems that other can't . I always have my laptops with me when iam over there with ODB reader and cables for most cars Always willing to help when iam in the area.
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  5. hiddenuser

    hiddenuser Guest Guest User

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    hey! i have lived here now four years and actually have three suggestions for you. my vehicles serviced have all been either motorcycles or an old Daewoo multicab and now a Toyota chassis jeep. the Toyota is at least 30 years old. my point would be all of my vehicles have been pretty simple machines. first suggestion is Roberts Tires out by the airport on the national highway. the back end there has done some work for me i was happy with. i am less happy with the front end staff (flats, balancing and alignment). second suggestion is "jun jun". it took hi 29 hours from my phone call to him of a blown head gasket for him to have me back on the road. five days so far and everything seems good, but its a simple four cylinder with no real accessories. jun jun so far has done wheel bearings, brakes, radiator repair/replacement for me all with good results. all this was done at my house which makes this even more attractive. total cost for the head gasket including milling the head was $168 parts and labor and he chased the parts. last is "rey" who has a place on the highway nearly to Dauin. i guess message me if you want numbers and/or directions-thanks-shabby
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  6. silverbullet

    silverbullet Ring Ring. Who's calling? Showcase Reviewer

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    One major problem is inconsistency. You recommend someone and they have a bad experience.
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  7. MikeP64

    MikeP64 DI Forum Adept Veteran Marines

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    I thought I'd inject a little mechanics humor. This sign is a little out of date. For perspective my dealerships rate here in Oklahoma City is $157 /HR.


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  8. Hog Heaven

    Hog Heaven DI New Member

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    Have had good luck with Sentro Auto downtown. Head mechanic named Nonet is former Toyota/Nissan head mechanic and knows his stuff. Bad experience at Robert's. Expensive experience at Toyota dealer.
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  9. Hog Heaven

    Hog Heaven DI New Member

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    I, also, would recommend Toto. He's former Toyota mechanic. He's good and seems honest. I had a leaking head gasket on my '99 Revo which resulted in rusted head. Toto replaced the head gasket, replaced piston rings, had machine shop rebuild rusted head and a few other minor things for a very reasonable 15,000p ($300). On another occasion he just happened to ride by me when my car wouldn't start. He stopped right away, removed my dash board in 10 min and quickly diagnosed issue with the onboard computer. He towed car to shop, disassembled the computer where he found ants shorting it out. Stop on road, tow, repair computer all for 3000p.
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  10. Hog Heaven

    Hog Heaven DI New Member

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    PS. See my reply to other message about good experience with Toto (mechanic near airport).