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Cost of living in dumaguete? ($860 VA disability pension enough?)

Discussion in 'Dumaguete City' started by Rets12, Dec 28, 2017.

  1. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    I have been coming here 6 weeks at a time every few years since 1987. I have lived here now for 6 months. I am familiar with the cano tax which has since been changed to the long nose tax, acknowledging that other westerners are here besides Americans and they don’t call us Joe anymore. I do know some Cebuano; like I can say pila? (How much) and mahal (too expensive) but one thing I know is to never let them mention a price at the beginning of a negotiation. It is different here. In the USA, someone may mention the price for a car for example and you bargain down. Here, once they mention a price, that is the price. If it could have been lower, they would have told you. They are not “cheats”, it is loss of face that is important and once that price is mentioned they will not go lower even if it means taking a big loss by losing the sale. But one thing Westerners can do is ask if they will bargain before they mention a price. That neutralizes the loss of face problem. Or, as has been stated many times before, let a Filipina or Filipino buy it for you. But that is less effective than it used to be. If said filipina is now living in America and they pick up on that by her clothes, expensive purse, Apple Watch etc., he/she will be quoted the price with the long nose tax. One time my filipina sister in law negotiated a Family trip by van to siaton outside of the bethel hotel. She got a nice price but as soon as I came out the door, he saw me and immediately raised the price substantially. If you have a filipina maid, some of them can be very helpful at markets etc..

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  2. osodelnorte

    osodelnorte DI Forum Adept Restricted Account Showcase Reviewer

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    in the usa you would qualify for food stamps and other social programs.. in the philippines you would qualify for nothing.. the VA will only treat s/c disabilities.. and that is in Manila.. if it is a simple, frugal life you are looking for you could probably find it in one of the smaller villages on the west side of negros.. i rented a 2 bedroom 900sf house for $70 a month in bayawan.. but you better love heat and humidity, barking dogs and roosters crowing.. because you cannot afford air conditioning here.. not on your income.. plan on banking from an atm.. you wont be able to open a bank account for awhile.. that eats away at about $5/$200.. and that wont include your us bank fees if any.. i am pretty sure you could live better than that somewhere in mississippi, alabama or georgia on your take.. cost of living there is lowest in the country.. and the social network is in full force there..
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  3. AlwaysRt

    AlwaysRt DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Blood Donor Veteran Air Force Marines

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    For those giving the old information about VA in Philippines, please stop and read about the FMP program. The VA is still there in Manila but no longer authorizes travel pay. You can only get service connected treatment and medications there OR you can get service connected treatment and medications wherever you are using the FMP program. In nearly all cases it is a pay and get reimbursed program. Both VA Manila and FMP require an authorization step before you can avail of services.

    Foreign Medical Program (FMP) - VHA Office of Community Care
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  4. Paul

    Paul DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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    If I recall, they stopped this some time ago?
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  5. Paul

    Paul DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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    Pfft. Don't count that, unless you are a minority. Many years ago, I had a severe accident, causing me to be hospitalized for a month. After beginning to recuperate at home, and after having filed for any / all assistance we could, I received something like $111 USD emergency welfare, for three months. I received sweet f**k all, in food stamps, and was turned down twice for SSDI. Had it not been for the best mom on this planet, my mom, I wouldn't have made it. So, don't count on the US government for any assistance. Oh, I was unable to even walk, for months after. It took more medical to get that sorted.

    To the O/P, or other newbie who has served: Unless you are current active duty military, do not even count on the US Embassy to look out for you, if you have any problems. A much better option is to have one true friend, in country. Both of you can have each other's backs.
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  6. OP

    Rets12 DI New Member

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    Thank you all for the replies, I didn’t get notifications.

    It seems $860 is not enough and I would need to either get my disability up to 60% or work online.

    What options are there for me to work online?
  7. Dutchie

    Dutchie DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Rets, with all due respect, if you need to ask that question, it is very unlikely that you'll be succesful as an entrepreneur.
    There are plenty options, and most of the more succesful ideas rely on attracting enough of an audience (viewers/readers/subscribers/visitors) so you can make money through advertisements. Whether it's a succesful website/blog/vlog/youtube channel, they all make money through advertisements. However, any option of starting an online business will require a lot more initiative than asking for advice.
    As for "getting a job online", some people teach a language online (but unless you have teaching skills and know more than one language yourself that's obviously a no go), so unless you have better qualifications than most, forget it; I can't think of any unskilled work online.
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  8. AlwaysRt

    AlwaysRt DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Blood Donor Veteran Air Force Marines

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    Manila Va stopped authorizing travel pay 30 September 2017
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  9. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    New lenses today. 750 peso anyone tell where you can get this at HOME
  10. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Brian exemplifies the fact that it is not what we HAVE in life which matters the most - it is how much we can accept it and be happy. It is a version of 'It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.' (Epictetus).
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