In Switzerland we are at up to 10 Gbit/s now. But for that speed you will have to live in one of the bigger cities. Personal experience is that even 100 Mbit/s is more than enough. Many servers can not handle even that speed.
I wouldn't trust any FTTH in the Philippines. It means fiber to the home which is where they install fiber from their main line into your house but it doesn't mean their main line is capable of handling real fiber potential. In the Philippines it means they can call it *fiber* but it really isn't and in this case you aren't even getting true fiber potential. Its about IF down in the future they upgrade there lines to using fiber or some other super high speed potential. As such I'd pass on it if there is any contract as its not worth any contract for 10Mbps.
i live in magnao and i couldn’t contain myself upon hearing that pldt was installing fiber some time in the near future (this was in january.) a representative came to visit in march and i immediately signed on for their 50 mbps service. after a long wait the installers finally called a few weeks ago in may. well, now that they have the fiber in place i can say that my experience with pldt “fiber”has been difficult to say the least. i signed up for the 2899 plan. that’s supposed to be a 50 mbps plan with 100 mbps for six months on the current promotion, reverting to 50 mbps on the seventh month. first off, their implementation of “fiber” is copper to the residence then fiber from where the copper line terminates in our home to the wifi router. my speeds all reflected far less than the 50 mbps that i was led to expect. at most i’m getting 20 mbps but usually less than 10 mbps (that’s not exaggerating!) that’s the least of my problems though. it seems the main office in manila has totally botched my application and listed me under their dsl plan. several calls to their hotline (manila) and over 5 visits to their robinson’s office and this issue has yet to be resolved. luckily, by tweaking the wifi router’s settings i have been able to eek out 20 mbps (most of the time). also their local office promised to redeem the 100 mbps promotion as soon as the account situation is resolved. my experience would be much more dismal if i wasn’t capable of figuring how to navigate their echo system. not looking forward to bringing up the legal issues of bait and switch with their main office if things persist.
I am now happy they denied my request. I did not understand why as they never admitted they could not provide the advertised service. I keep telling myself to switch to SkyCable as I found cable to be better than DSL in days-gone-by but that means another 2 year contract so I'll stick with DSL, for now.
Just had PLDT Fiber instaled this morning and a little disappointed. Its Okay if your PC is on the same floor as the modem but I have 3 floors and the signal struggles through concrete floors. Globe had no problems with this but Globe being Globe hit and miss. Plus I have another house that I use an extender to reach to. I doubt PLDT will be able to reach the other house even with the extender. Globe had no problems with this. So I can't afford both, one will have to go. Need to look into getting a signal to the other house, I rent that and internet is in the contract.
Well WIFI notwithstanding how is your speed near the router... sounds like the router that PLDT supplied you with is not as powerful (odd?) so you might have them relocate your router to the 2nd floor so the signal does not have to penetrate 2 floors. not sure about your extender but it also depends on the signal strength of the wifi and relocating the modem near a window on the side of the house that is close to the extender may also help... walk around with your phone wifi and check your signal strength to find the best place for the new modem and then have them come out and relocate (they will prob charge a fee) ... that is if the speed increase of PLDT is worth the trouble
Also might check to see if the new router is dual band and set to 5 mhz which is faster but will not penetrate floors as well as 2.4 mhz... if so then have them set it to 2.4 like I suspect the Globe router is...
You get a choice of either on the pldt router,both are live with the same password when installed,but agree the 2.4mhz is better. We installed the router on the second floor outside.
Get Getting max speed on the same floor which is on second floor but the floor above and below only getting speed half of what I should be getting. Extender is 2.5 only.