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Relocating from Thailand to the Philippines

Discussion in 'Dumaguete City' started by Brian_Goddard, Dec 9, 2018.

  1. Brian_Goddard

    Brian_Goddard DI Member

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    Greetings as you may know I am on a journey to see if relocating to the Philippines on or slightly above the Australian Pension is a good move.
    Are the Thai and the Philippine ways of life comparable or are there differences one should understand
    Some Thai issues.
    I am and always an Alien here, we are collectively called Farrang IE white foreigner.
    Thai Ruk Thai is a common saying. Thai Family always come first, we are never really part of a Thai Family.
    In the majority of cases Thai women who live with or marry a non Thai want a monthly allowance at my level of income it is just above the minimum wage 10,000 baht or 16,000 Peso Plus a house or at least I pay for a decent rental
    They think nothing of deceiving the stupid Kwai (Buffalo) to get want they want.
    Buy them a house in their name and you soon get the Boot.
    Ok I had better stop here or it will turn into a unproductive rant.

    So from the Philippine expats point of view
    do they have a derogatory name for expats, do they treat us as milch cows?
    will life be better with a steady partner or should one stay Single?
    i am not talking about young studs just SOB's like me (silly old bastards)
    Due to Various reasons including restrictive immigration changes I am tired worn out and Want out. Going Back to Australia end of January to regroup and consider all options
    I will watch and seriously consider any valid opinions from Members of this Forum
    I have spent a bit of time listening to Reekay's Blogs and despite him being of a much younger generation he makes sense
    Ok TTFN C U later folks
  2. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    You will be called a "foreigner" or "Kano" (short for Amerikano) regardless of where you actually come from. Kano seems to be used quite frequently with derogatory context. If I hear it come out of a local's mouth I stay very far away from them. (My ex-wife was a Filipino-American, only had US citizenship and was on the same tourist visa as I was in the Philippines, and it regularly came out of her mouth when she was talking about me to her friends. Divorced her shortly after I heard her, a "Kano" herself, call me that. Funny thing was, her friends were calling her the Kano behind her back and as soon as my money went away so did her "friends".)


    Same, although I believe the average is a bit cheaper.


    Has happened to many expats in the Philippines as well.

    "Kano" IMO. It's quite common for them to try to milk expats for money.

    Depends on how good at picking partners you are. There are good ones out there...really depends on where you look.

    If you go out looking for a 18-20 year old girl you are playing the game. Don't get upset if you end up getting beat at it.

    Wait, isn't he nearly 60? Maybe I'm thinking of someone else.
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  3. ChMacQueen

    ChMacQueen DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    I have to agree with Rye on this.
    I will say you can find plenty of good women but most are horrible at it. We chase plenty of women and plenty will hop into bed very easy. The ones who are more often better are the ones who aren't really looking and you have to fight to get which means they take time and work but most hit up a dating site and go with the pretty and young girl who will meet them right off and screw him which is almost guaranteed to be a gold digger. Many of us who are in committed *good* relationships know a few of these good girls but we tend to warn them off of foreigners as so many of the single foreigners are just interested in screwing around for a bit and those who try give up to easy because she wouldn't hop in bed within days of meeting. Just remember its a two way streak for good or bad. Bad girls create bad guys and bad guys create bad girls.
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  4. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    B.G., My last wife (16 yrs married) was Thai, current Filipina wife (8+ yrs married). Some similarities but not many. Blood is thicker than water with both, maybe moreso here. I was treated nicely by both families although the Thai family was better educated and better English spoken. But
    Filipino family poorer but nicer. My advice, avoid the girls who have had a few rodeos of their own.
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  5. OP

    Brian_Goddard DI Member

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    I think he is in his early fifties an American of Latin descent does heaps of and Vids blogs
  6. OP

    Brian_Goddard DI Member

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    If I went down the companionship track definitely no 18 year old's At my age sex is not the Criteria however trim and ok on the eye is fine age, perhaps a 40 plus widow if they are around
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  7. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Well, that's the first time I've seen juvenoia hinted at towards a Boomer. Usually it's us dang Millennials getting blamed for the downfall of civilization and having our sanity questioned. Nice to see that the Boomers are still getting a taste of their own medicine. lol
  8. Swissrider

    Swissrider DI Member Restricted Account Showcase Reviewer

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    The problem is often that these newcomers looking for a wife do it thru the in the internet or go looking in a bar. No good. Stay away from these. So I guess you coming from Thailand know all this. and I dont have to tell you. Others dont know. But the difference between here and Thailand has a further aspect. A "normal" Thai Lady does not marry a foreigner. Only the hookers do. So if you are very lucky she turns into a good wife. In the Philippines you can find a wife that was never ever roaming around in bars before. Now, all of these good Filipinas have also a "price tag". A very poor one will be happy to live with your possible low pension. For such a poor even this would mean a big improvement. Ladies coming a little bit more from the middle class want of course a better lifestyle or maybe use you to get a job abroad. But either or, it is also about money. But much better than Thailand. I know guys there they have to pay their wife kind of salary on top of everthing. Oherwise she is gone. I know a few examples. A good Filipina will not do that. My case ? I was 51 and she was 20. She wanted to work overseas and still does. But a very good wife and mother. A very hard working person. We have been married over 17 years now. OK, the problem is I live 50 % here and the other 50 % abroad. Anyway, I wish you good luck.
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  9. OP

    Brian_Goddard DI Member

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    Good morning In response to your statement about marriage and Bar girls
    Greetings from the land of smiles, scams or scowls take your pick all apply Amongst the few chaps i would call friends and including myself.
    2 married Hairdressers, 1 married a nurse, 1 a account clerk and a few have long term relationships with rural ladies and a couple have ex CRO's or bar girls. Of course none of my mates are rich and on various pensions so we seldom mix with the upper crust. Me I was married to a hairdresser however we lived in the north with her family and I wanted to live at the beach, Unlike the Philippines divorce takes 5 minutes in Thailand. perhaps too easy, many do not get legally married at the Amphor,just a wedding performed by the Monks and has no legal binding.

    re my possible residence in P.i I have little to offer and would be a very poor catch.
    I ponder on what happens to the widows of westerners in the Philippines as most of the guys i see blogging are not youngsters.

    My plan of attack re a relationship would be too sit in a mall with a cup of coffee smile and if no one approaches me at least i can enjoy my coffee and the eye Candy walking by.
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  10. Happy Camper

    Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer

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    Not sure what you are really looking for, but I will relay an interesting experience that happened with a friend of mine while I lived in Bacolod.

    He was a Brit and on the much older side. Set in his ways and not a big spender. Very nice man and I really enjoyed his company, he was funny without trying to be. He took out an ad in the Visayan Daily Star, a local newspaper for a Personal Assistant. Gave a few qualities he was looking for an his cell phone.

    He had many interviews and finally decided on one. He put her through nursing school and eventually married her. Working here in the Philippines, even as a nurse wasn't good enough for either of them. He took her back to England, got a flat, she a nice job, they take some trips and at last report are still happy.

    Ah the power of advertising.
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