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Relocating from Thailand to the Philippines

Discussion in 'Dumaguete City' started by Brian_Goddard, Dec 9, 2018.

  1. OP

    Brian_Goddard DI Member

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    Interesting idea about putting an add in a newspaper I am a Brit/Aussie and of the older group, your comment about nursing school Brought back a Memory from a University town i lived in in North Thailand. University students had what i called a sugar daddy The arrangement was they formed a relationship with an older man both Thai and Westerners for a period of time say 4 years until they graduated and then went back to their various provinces and carried on with their various options.

    I am perhaps out of line here I wonder if a similar relationship would work in P.I.
    in Thailand they were called M B A mutual beneficial relationships
    I guess lots of us fall of the perch so giving some one a chance of a nursing or similar degree rather than leaving them without any options is a valued idea ( just thinking out loud in Print)
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  2. OP

    Brian_Goddard DI Member

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    Hi Joe
    I had a vasectomy in my thirties so no possible chance of kids, watching and listening to a lot of the Blogs on You tube. the traffic and noise is horrific so different from my trip in 2009 , I am starting to wonder about coming over, Perhaps on a smaller island not so bad, will most likely do a Recce March or there abouts. re the lies there is a saying Run Forrest Run{ for me Vietnam is looking as a possibility, A lot depends if and when the visa laws change here. not really looking for a relationship but can see a possible need for a Carer down the track take care mate
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 11, 2018
  3. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Perhaps if a girl views you as a 'good catch' only if you can provide lots of cash then maybe she is the "very poor catch". It may be naive to think there are women out there who just want a caring man to be with them but I am sure they exist. Better the search for one suchlike than to rush into getting hooked up with one who will 'suck you dry' (those with naughty minds may misinterpret this and think I chose my words on purpose) and then leave.
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  4. Swissrider

    Swissrider DI Member Restricted Account Showcase Reviewer

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    Sorry to hear this. That's why I told Brian to avoid online dating. Many golddiggers.

    Gesendet von meinem SM-N950F mit Tapatalk
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 11, 2018
  5. OP

    Brian_Goddard DI Member

    Trophy Points:
    +61 / 6
    Hi there
    the reason i said i was a poor catch had little to do with money.
    In fact it was probably due to my advanced years I am prewar ww2 so not a spring chicken still look good and can get away with telling Thais I am hok sip 60. I am on a campaign to lose a few kilos. and to use your terminology
    I would enjoy your suggestion WOMBAT if you understand that you are a definite Aussie well 6am here as part of my fitness campaign i am of just before sunrise for my morning walk C. U
  6. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    So you must be a member of the 'Youth Group' on this forum. I can vividly remember the Great Depression of 1929.
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  7. ChMacQueen

    ChMacQueen DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    I'll still say there are plenty of *good* ladies to be had, we just don't hear about those sorts of relationships as much as the ones that go bad. We as men and foreigners get what we hear from fellow men who are foreigners who aren't so likely to say the breakup or problems were his fault maybe he was chasing extra college @ss on the side or overly controlling. Yes, there are tons of bad women and every new inexperienced expat is going to run into a number of them before finding a good lady because he's lonely so he goes for what is fast and easy which is highly unlikely to also be good. Consider it like food... you get fast food which is likely to be unhealthy with little to no nutritional value but your eating within 5 minutes or you go to a restaurant and have to wait 15-20 minutes for your meal which is healthier and has nutritional value. Same thing, the good girls aren't going to come home with you that night and they aren't going to be found in easy spots looking for you. Sure, there is the rare one who listened to some friends to try online dating for a brief time but the good girls tend to ditch it quick because of all the pervs just like the good guys ditch it quick because of the scammers. However as well one must always think what kind of realistic future you two could have because early on Filipina's are just thinking about the immediate because that is the lifestyle here but after adapting a bit they think on the future somewhat also. What kind of future does she want he can provide and that goes beyond a roof over the head and food on the table.
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  8. adegans

    adegans DI Junior Member

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    Before you get upset, this is just my experience... My personal experience. Your milage may vary. So, don't get offended or anything.

    If you can't find love in Thailand, don't waste your time in the Ph doing the same... I saw Rye83's post and agree with that. And have some firsthand experience with it :(

    I've been here 3+ years, I've dated a whole bunch of girls/women, some where live-in girlfriends for months... Others lasted a few dates and some where nothing more than fuckbuddies.
    None were sincere or for real or suitable for various reasons.

    I've dated country girls, city girls, bar girls, students. Even a few who turned out to be hookers trying to find love... with or without a job. With and without education. With or without religion/family... They're all of the same generic mindset as far as I can tell.

    Either their shitty family was in the way, or their greed and hunger for money. Or their attitude was sh*t.
    Tons of young/middle ages women have atleast 1 kid.
    Most have debt or obligations you don't want to be involved in too much.
    Others were just too stupid to have a decent conversation with and couldn't think beyond talking about the weather and wishing they had rice and chicken for dinner.

    It's just not worth the hassle...

    As a rule I always sought after a adventurous woman who likes to go for a ride with me on a motorbike. All got homesick after a week or so - Which is a chore after a few weeks. And downright depressing after a few months.

    If they had a job, the attitude and haughty bullshit struck time and time again. While leaning on my generosity.

    Call me extremely unlucky, but that's how it was for me...
    I'm sure there are better women out there. But I didn't find any. I gave up and am done with the Philippines in general, just because the people are so unbearable. Leaving the country soon.

    But be warned, try not to end up like me :smile:
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    Last edited: Dec 14, 2018
  9. Wildlands1

    Wildlands1 DI Member Restricted Account Showcase Reviewer

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    I don't know.
    My expert advice; go to a small city with near zero foreigners. Like Dapitan, Borongon, Mati, etc.. Rent a place for some months and hang around. Meet your soulmate and relocate her to Dumaguete. But DO NOT try to meet a mate online or anywhere near a popular place like Dumaguete, Cebu, Panglao, etc..
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  10. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Plenty of ways to get burned going that route as well. Family is going to be far more important (meaning you will have to pay them) and the girl likely has no experience with foreign cultures outside of pop culture. You also risk putting the poor girl in culture shock when relocating to a larger city...and especially if a move to another country is planned. Education is going to be an issue as well...but if you are just looking for a house maid you can screw that you don't plan on having any meaningful conversations with this may be the way to go. Everyone had different expectations for a partner, I'm not judging (ok, I am a bit), up to you, diba?
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