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Very new to Dumaguete

Discussion in 'Dumaguete City' started by ChEng, Dec 25, 2018.

  1. adegans

    adegans DI Junior Member

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    Definitely, and I completely recognise that this is a developing country with lower standards. Some chaos and adjusting is to be expected. But the downwards slope this country is on is not acceptable to me anymore.
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  2. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    That is always the signal to leave - it is all about what we find acceptable to us personally. I suppose the rule would be "ACCEPT or LEAVE".

    I put the bad on one side of my balance scales and the good on the other - the 'good' side is still weighing down and so I am remaining.
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  3. jimeve

    jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Goodbye :yawn:
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  4. Sedona

    Sedona DI Forum Adept

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    You are obviously having a bad experience living in a bad location. I've been living in Dgt for a year and a half and would definitely not agree that the whole place is an unhealthy heap of trash. I am just outside the city and have a great view surrounded by beautiful nature and nice neighbors and wonderful healthy air. I can be in the center of Dgt in 15 minutes, and go in almost every day - sure it has it's challenges like traffic and parking and lack of availability of things I would like to be able to get - but, bottom line, I have no regrets about living here because I have managed to find a nice place. I hope you find a place you enjoy.
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  5. Outcast

    Outcast DI Forum Adept

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    there are many good places and good peopel around, but there are also bad places and negative people. don;t let the negative get you down, if you look for it, it is there to be found. as well is the positive, my neignborhood is clean and quiet with fresh air, trees, birds, and smiling people. there was even a monkey living in the trees behind me a few years back. I go to Dumaguete about once a week, and getting less and less every year, due to traffic, pollution, etc. there is no way I could live in town, lest I become one of the negative that cannot find my way out of the garbage heap. there is, however, still nice areas just outside the downtown area, if you spend the time to look for them. Don;t settle for second best, keep looking until you find someplace that suits you, and don;t let the negative people get you down. a person can have a great life here, but it is what you make it.
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  6. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    I like your honesty. After viewing your site (good job!) I have no doubt your will back up your words with actions.

    However, I'm sure people will figure out if Dumaguete is for them on their own. They'll see the trash and the other problems. They'll likely travel to other places and make their own comparisons. No need to bash the place in a thread where people are asking for information. Better to simply answer the questions. Otherwise we might as well copy and paste your reply automatically to everyone with a "New Here" thread. We can at least represent Dumaguete in the best light and let new arrivals make their own decisions from there. And it's not like we're all making a sales job on how clean and beautiful Dumaguete is. Go ahead and call BS where you see it, but we're pretty good here about keeping it real. :wink:
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  7. osodelnorte

    osodelnorte DI Forum Adept Restricted Account Showcase Reviewer

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    go take a look at Bayawan and the are north.. still some excellent values and awesome beaches.. check out the nagb0-alao area.. on the way to Basay.. check out Funtasea Resort.. slow life but nice if you like slow.. get it now before the crowd finds out..
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    Last edited: Dec 28, 2018
  8. osodelnorte

    osodelnorte DI Forum Adept Restricted Account Showcase Reviewer

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    What? Dumaguete stinks? Is filthy? How can you say that. Fill your lungs and say "I love the smell of fresh poop in the morning."
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  9. adegans

    adegans DI Junior Member

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    Oh I'm sure everyone will find their way - Sometimes I'm just tired of posts like "I've been here for 9 years and I love it here" I can't help but wonder how blind such people are that they can't see past their own little comfortzone that they don't see the problems around here.

    Or those half assed attempts to make something sound right "Live in Bacong and it's not too bad" (or whatever) - That still means it's not good...

    Anyway, It's not all bad. My internet (landline dsl from Globe) is mostly good and I had few brownouts. The supermarkets work fairly well. The roads are decent (in comparison).
    It's just that the city as a whole is rapidly declining over the past few months. For example, I've been dealing with being sick-ish for the last 2-3 months, I believe it comes from the crap food quality in restaurants (KFC, Shakey's and the like), poor water quality from the well, and the air in the city. Just saying :(

    My next stop will be Rome and Florence in Italy. Get my bearings. And after march/april I don't know yet what to do hah :smile: Maybe I'll check out central America or Morocco after a while, see what's going on there.
  10. RR_biker

    RR_biker DI Senior Member Veteran Marines

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    KFC and Shakey's and the likes I will never call them restaurants for me a place where they sell junk food. There are some nice restaurants in Dumaguete, depending on your likes, never ever been sick having food in these places for many years. Drinking water from a well is @your own risk of course. A gallon with drinking water, delivered @home is around 30 peso or a bit more and chances you will get sick of are almost zero.
    Agree that the air in the city does not meet enviremont standards when old buses, trucks, leaving a black smoke through their exhaust due the lack of a yearly smoke test which is required for motor bikes and cars.
    All in all it is a matter of ++++ against - - - - to see if the balance is still on the right side to decide stay or leave.
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