Dumaguete Info Search

Cost of living in dumaguete? ($860 VA disability pension enough?)

Discussion in 'Dumaguete City' started by Rets12, Dec 28, 2017.

  1. Liverpool fan

    Liverpool fan DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    One year ago this guy posted his question, and we have not heard from him since but the topic is still alive and nothing wrong in that. Everything is possible if you want to take the risk and bring yourself in a situation where you is dependent on others. As stated of many others if you get sick or have an accident you are lost. I meet a Danish guy in Bohol, no income he lives with the gf's family and even gets a baby with her. In my eyes a miserable life, but he had shelter and food every day. Overstay more than 2 years, long story short, he gets the help of another Danish guy I bring there for a visit, he contacts immigration and gets him back to Denmark. Only a few people with common sense will bring them self in a situation like that. The guy who started this topic is or was 26 years old, not 66 years old and no information if he has a rich granddad in the background and lack of other info. Most of us are in the Philippines because of the beautiful girls, nice climate and not to forget the cost of living. I have just been shopping a little for tonight, 15 years Tanduay rum 340 pesos, In Denmark 2-3 k pesos, tenderloin imported cost 8 times more in Denmark and I can go on. I feel I get a lot for my money here, my apartment cost maybe 6-8 times more in rent, don't hope my landlord read this lol. Some imported food cost even more than in Denmark, because it's imported from there, but my choice if I buy it. Gasoline is half price, I know it's cheaper in the US so of course, our point of view on this is different. I don't judge people of how much money they have but on their behavior, why are some people here and in other social media like FB so negative of other people way of living, white trailer trash, and other negatively charged word? You feel boring or what's the problem? People I avoid is people with no respect for others and bad behavior and that's both rich and poor. Happy New Year Every One!
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  2. Brian_Goddard

    Brian_Goddard DI Member

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    I note you are from Denmark your Embassy in Bangkok is the latest embassy to pull the plug on the income/pension letter unlike the other 3 they did it on the spot and even declined any applications in their system. IMHO the S**t is about to hit the fan in the New year. it seems many expats have left already according to Thai Visa and comments from friends 55 welcome to 2019 interesting times ahead.
  3. Liverpool fan

    Liverpool fan DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    It has been on the way for some years that Thailand wants high income expat living in Thailand. Already 8 years ago I visit Thailand for 10 months the start talking about change visa rules. It's funny that our Embassy doesn't want to sign a paper with our disability pension, they want you to spend your money in your home country. Denmark changes the pension rules, so you no longer get full disability pension if you leave Denmark. The full pension is around 2000 US or 105 k pesos for all, then most people have some private pensions fond trough their job, the law requires we pay to a fond and our employer private or public (state etc.) also pay to it. Our home countries make rules so fewer people go abroad and enjoy their retirement but stay at home and spend their money. I guess we have 1400 US or around 75 k pesos today but the new rules do not count for people who already left Denmark, I hear it's general same in all Europe, countries tightens the rules. To me it's wrong the government will decide where I want to live, I pay to the pension for years and tax as high as 70% when I have a high income and work 90-100 hours a week 3 months then 2 weeks of and same again, my choice for sure but feel I have the right to decide where I want to live
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  4. wolvhund

    wolvhund DI Member

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    Well, I'm trying to work my way to being a trailer park quality person, any recommendations for where I can go in the meantime?
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  5. wolvhund

    wolvhund DI Member

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    I should add that I am currently living in Brownsville, TX so going any further down the US totem pole is not an option.
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  6. furriner

    furriner DI Forum Adept Restricted Account

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    If the government had originally decided to allow you to invest your earnings as you or your financial advisor saw fit, then you could have simply managed your earnings growth throughout your working life and then purchased an annuity on a competitive private market with no conditions as to how to use the proceeds that you own. Even mild forms of socialism have a certain bureaucratic arrogance that wants to control where you live, where to spend your own money with no concerns about the individual preferences of their citizens. So now they get to live a life with less excitement and adventure in Denmark until they die. Not much different in my own country (US) except that so far we can still live outside the US and collect 100% until some liberal Congress decides our money must be spent at home.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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