I read the following on the internet after my PSA test today. Considerations The symptoms of prostate cancer include: Painful ejaculation Blood in semen or urine Hip, pelvis, low back, or thigh pain A weak urine flow Problems urinating Incontinence or increased urges to urinate Difficulty getting or maintaining an erection Burning during urination
Thanks Pat, out of the 9 considerations I experience only one of them on my age of 81 You may guess with one.
I use Silliman Hospital for my PSA and PSA Free combo blood test. You actually do not need a doctor for the test. Following is the procedure: Go to the lab on the ground floor building on the left. Go to the window and tell them you want the PSA test. They will include the PSA Free test. They will give you a form to put your name on it and direct you to the cashier for payment of p3750 (I know but they got you by the balls). After payment return the receipt and form to the lab window. Have a seat and wait for your name to be called (wait time varies by size of crowd ahead of you). After taking your blood they will give you a receipt and you return 3 hours (normally) to get the form with the results. You can take the results to a urologist if you choose, I use Dr. Ozzoa, or look up on the internet to understand where your results fit in the range which shows pct of risk for cancer. I get another test 3 months later in case of false reading or concerns. There is a web site that suggests what not to do 48 hours prior to the test. As we age our prostate enlarges which might raise the PSA levels. I am not suggesting to go do this, up to you. Personally, I get nervous when I hear friends have had serious problems.
Just as a matter of Interest Pat, my last PSA showed me at .87 The range being 0. to 4. so My Doc said although the prostate is moderately enlarged ( obtained via an Ultrasound the Month before) there was no need to worry at this time. So far so good
Hi Folks An interesting discussion for me. I will be getting mine checked in Australia hopefully soon after i arrive back 31/1/19 I have a some of the 9 considerations also Restricted Bowel movement a possible sign of an enlarged prostrate. It has not been fun to say the least but on the pension treatment here in Thailand is not Viable Other issue as well mainly arterial flow Still not going to bore you with them Thanks for sharing Brian