Dumaguete Info Search

Review Dumaguete is not the best place to retire.

Discussion in 'Dumaguete City' started by Ares Alexakis, Jan 23, 2019.

  1. liannastar

    liannastar DI Member

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    Shouldn't this be in the Humor section of the forum?
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  2. furriner

    furriner DI Forum Adept Restricted Account

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    I THINK in some countries that may be considered a sexist comment reeking of toxic masculinity but if you said that ‘Filipino was a subset of filipina’, you would be a hero. :pag komedia; ( did I spell that right?)

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  3. furriner

    furriner DI Forum Adept Restricted Account

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    He said he was citizen. I believe he explained earlier that he was from the Philippines. Now, if that is true and IF your home country is anyplace other than India or the USA, remember that English is a legal national language here, in this country of 100,000,000+ which makes it the third largest English speaking country in the world. That means that Filipinos have every right to establish their own way of speaking English in the Philippines, more so than anybody from Australia or the UK and, due to the size of the population in this country, you have no right to correct them, coming from your measly population of 40,000,000 English speakers or whatever it is. English as it is spoken in the Philippines is correct by default because they SAY it is :LOL;

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  4. tuba-coma

    tuba-coma DI Forum Adept Showcase Reviewer

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    german bashing, ouch, that hurts :-) you are right, some of us are like this, but remember; we are not all the same. if it's about the attitude: here are grumbling expats from all nations, only exception seem to be the canadians, quite cool guys. if it's about english language skills: meeting guys from texas and other federal states specially from southern / central USA, australia or parts of britain makes it really hard to believe that these guys grew up with the english language - nearly impossible to understand them...careful with prejudices and drawer thinking, or should I believe that all US veterans are militant Trump fans?
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  5. Edward K

    Edward K DI Senior Member Veteran Navy

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    First: NO NO NO NO NO, NOT all vets are trumpers, many are, many aren't. Note my service, I and MOST of my facebook buddies are moderates or libtards.

    Second: Texas is NOT part of the southern central or US. As one of the kids at the old Seniorita's said, when i asked if "..the owner was from the US ?", response: "No, he's not from the US, he's from Texas." Well put... <grin>

    And, i'm glad to see postings from local folks, especially Filipinas, most rantings are ex-pats.. And i hope the Philippines continues to educate its children in learning English, since much of the economy here is strong because of english. Now just need education in history, math, economics, ethics (too much corruption)...

    By the way, the people in Dumaguete, while maybe not as "gentle" as Ares would like, is still a hell of a lot more friendly than big cities in the US, and as one Filipino friend from Manila said a dozen times during their visit here, "everything is so cheap.." And i get nothing but smiles from helpful workers here. But i also treat everyone with respect, don't rant about service, and try to use my gamay but growing cebuano skills (almost 3 yrs here)..

    I was going to start in on the "wall," but that's humor and goes elsewhere.
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  6. Outcast

    Outcast DI Forum Adept

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    It is true that Manila is more modern, with more amenities and better services than the provinces and the city of lazy people, er, i mean, gentle people. it is also true that most here on this boardd could not/would not live in manila. Manila seems to have a higher level of education than provincial people, which results in it being one step closer to a first world country, even though it will never be one.

    It is also true that people from luzon and manila in particular tend to look down their noses at provincial people. everything in the provinces is inferior. they are not a happy smiling lot like teh smaller provincial townsfolk. they are often disgruntled, snarky, and unhappy in life, and will take every chance to let everyone know it.

    Seems the OP just fits the mold just fine...
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  7. OP
    Ares Alexakis

    Ares Alexakis DI New Member

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    I wonder if you yourself studied genetics.

    Sometimes it's just better to politely excuse yourself from a person's ignorance than to entertain them with your intelligence. If you don't agree
    Sounds funny!

    I wonder if you yourself studied
    Sometimes it's just better to politely excuse yourself from a person's ignorance than to entertain them with your intelligence.
    Of course no female living in Dumaguete will usually talk here. It's either their sleeping or they don't care of their surroundings and future.

    No reason to prove to you, this post is for innocent poeple not for you. If l said Filipino it means a Filipino citizen and a Filipina by gender. What matters most is that l care.
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  8. Kelly Acosta

    Kelly Acosta DI Junior Member

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    I live in Colorado for 30 years; when I moved to Dumaguete--I knew what I was getting into. For me, when you start comparing places--you will never be satisfied. The last time I check, there is no perfect place.
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  9. OP
    Ares Alexakis

    Ares Alexakis DI New Member

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    I tagged this post as review . I don't require comments from people who think they know best.

    Why should l become a German? I worked with German companies online before and l can say most German people always have ''buts''. Always want to be the one to say the last word. So l stopped doing business with them. So, im sorry im not a German and l never wish to be.
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  10. furriner

    furriner DI Forum Adept Restricted Account

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    Not just US veterans, lot’s of ex-liberals who found out who the real elites and the fake intelligentsia were. Similar in many ways to Brexiteers who saw the road the Brussels was leading them down.

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