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House passes medical marijuana bill

Discussion in 'Dumaguete City' started by Sedona, Jan 30, 2019.

  1. Cerne

    Cerne DI Forum Adept

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    I’ll take issue with the most of the psychological and social science study data is “bull***t” view - on the contrary a lot of the data, particularly meta-analyses for example, form WHO guidance on how to treat what with which therapy or treatment. Knowing what works, how it works and how to deliver it effectively, safely and efficiently is essential - for most, if not all difficulties.But I’ll leave that for another discussion and offer my ha’penny worth on the weed.

    Just in my albeit limited experience I’ve seen young people enter psychosis after sustained use. There have been other contributory factors ranging from trait anxiety, early abuse, heritability, underlying predisposition and so forth but psychotic they went. Not much fun at the age of 11 (the earliest I saw, and outside the normal range of onset). Most have been in ‘normal range’ of roughly 16-35 years.

    On the other hand, there’s not much doubt from the psychological and social science data that weed does less harm than alcohol. Indeed the drugs Czar in the UK was forced to resign when he said so a few years back and he based those claims on good solid data. Can’t have docs rocking the establishment boat can we?

    In terms of the ‘strength’ of the THC content, there’s not much doubt in my mind that genetically altered hydroponically grown weed, ‘skunk’ or it’s derivatives have improved the strength of the product. There’s a world of difference between toking on some ‘Red Leb’ smuggled in 30-40 years ago from up your Hippy mate’s bum and what might be available from the ‘ponics factories today. And to my mind it’s there where a lot of the risks lie. Left unregulated and part of the criminal it seems to me that is where a lot of the harms might continue.

    The medical evidence for pot for various conditions seems to be growing - pain, cancer, chronic fatigue to name but a few. I’m personally doubtful regarding PTSD as weed is an established anxyiolitic - it may exacerbate the condition. MDMA/LSD has shown promise however. Studies are still in their infancy and there’s a long way to go before your jobbing GP will recommend a dose.

    So, I’m still waiting on definitive conclusions - which I am sure are just around the corner. Until then, I’m sticking with legal known harms much to the damage of my liver, brain and goodness knows what else. Good luck to all that dabble without ill effects and who gain relief from their chronic conditions.


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  2. osodelnorte

    osodelnorte DI Forum Adept Restricted Account Showcase Reviewer

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    what god giveth man taketh away..
    it will never be cheaper in the Philippines. that is why you grow it, smoke it or possess it in its natural state.. only after the monopoly of big pharma has put their stamp on it.. and then it will be priced higher... absolutely the most stupid medical marijuana law every..
  3. TD3725

    TD3725 DI New Member Restricted Account

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    The government will have to import the weed in any edible form. How on Earth are they going to have the technology and know-how to do this here? The price will be higher than for Pharma drugs. They should just legalize it and let people smoke it. Peace!!
    • Funny Funny x 2
  4. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    The technology to make edibles? lol