I used to call my wife 'Rottweiler'till I got a real one, the dog turned to be much more even tempered.
I have a pair of full blood Rottweiler. I expect to have a bunch more soon. If you can weight, I think about May. The Rottweiler you see me holding in my avatar is now 4 or 5 years old and VERY protective of me and wife. If interested send privet message.
There is a breeder for rotties who lives in Talay. He breeds them for Dog competitions, so the pups he sells are pedigreed dogs. He sells the pups 25k male, 35k for female if I can remember correctly. Message me if you’re interested.
True side story. I worked with a guy in California named John Rottweiler. Of course he had a big Rottweiler.