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Covid Unit

Discussion in 'COVID-19' started by Edward K, Jun 12, 2020.

  1. Edward K

    Edward K DI Senior Member Veteran Navy

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    Am shaking my head but not commenting on the new and sometimes contradictory rules about numbers on bikes, trikes, and cars. It will probably be rescinded shortly.

    What is sadly lacking in this discourse among government agencies is a definition of what I call "a Covid Unit." This is a group, anywhere from 1 to 5 or more, that lives together, eats together, and goes out together if the number is permitted. Even if only one or two of the group is allowed out, they are a group. None of them will get the covid, or they all will, it's part of the family.

    To forbid the group from traveling together on a trike or bike, or even in a car, is ludicrous. And then to formulate new different laws on numbers allowed ?? My only real complaint about the Philippines is "Lack of ATD - Attention To Detail."
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    Last edited: Jun 12, 2020
  2. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    The UK is calling this a 'bubble' and they have really complicated rules. For example, if a group of friends share a house, they are a 'bubble' - one person can go out from the 'bubble' to visit and stay with a bf/gf but then the others cannot. So it is a case of pick a straw or finding out who is most desperate!

    If even one or two go out then the risk of bringing back the infection to the 'bubble' is a high risk (in badly affected areas but not MOST of the Philippines) then it is very likely all members of the 'bubble' will have the virus enter the body but some may destroy it before it causes an infection. In the UK, each symptomatic member of a 'bubble' has to isolate for 7 days and then, from that moment, all the asymptomatics in the 'bubble' for 14 days. If any of the 14 day isolators shows symptoms then they start a 7 day period (even if just one day short of the original 14). But there is a flaw in that the asymptomatics who start the 14 day isolation are not extended even if another member of the 'bubble' shows symptoms at any time during that 14 days (according to a chart by the 'Public Health England' I saw) and that indicates they have not understood that a person could be infected by another person within the 'bubble' on day 13, show no symptoms by day 14 (as is quite possible), but can go out on day 15 and probably infect others! Either the chart is wrong or the 'experts' don't even understand it themselves. (Also, I may have misunderstood it, of course, but I have checked my reasoning many times on this).

    I think many UK residents will fail to understand the complexity of the 'bubble' concept fully and for sure many will ignore it - I cannot imagine how a complex system will work here with so many poorly educated people (not a criticism of them but a fact).
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  3. Philpots

    Philpots DI Senior Member Restricted Account

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    I think there is a difficulty here in proving who is related to who when sitting in a trike with someone.
    And simply a designation that those with the same name is not sufficient to cater for all because a lot of foreigners are not married to those they are with and the kids dont carry the foreigners name either so that wont work.
    What is being done is obviously to reduce close proximity infections, people will lie to their back teeth that the person next to them is a family member when he or she isnt. So live with it.
    Back riders is a bit different though and with masks and helmet compulsory, a traffic check will quickly reveal that, and that means back to check points so if that is done that solves that problem. So if that is the solution, again, live with it.
    The main objective is to reduce the spread of this virus and it is starting up again, the risk is there so it must be curtailed or revert to a system of opening everything up, letting infection take care of immunity and accept the death rate and hospitalization if it can cope.
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  4. danbandanna

    danbandanna DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Rest assured that we are all living with it every day, and we are all adults....
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  5. Always a Poppy

    Always a Poppy DI Senior Member Restricted Account

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    Quite a few pillions around the city today (I refuse to use 'backriders' as it reminds me of a low budget US skin movie). Did not see any getting stopped. Either the checkpoint guys and gals are as aghast at the rule as the rest of us and ignoring it, or like everything else here, if you get 70% of the population obeying that's a result.
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  6. DavyL200

    DavyL200 DI Forum Luminary ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    There are plenty riding upmand down the bacong to valencia rd also,2/3/4 up and yesterday i watched them riding past when i was at the french bakery.
    Makes you wonder if any checkpoints are actually stopping anyone.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2020
  7. dauinbrit

    dauinbrit DI Junior Member

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    Hey will start start to get serious on Monday, June 15
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  8. Happy Camper

    Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer

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    Went walking downtown today and yes, there were quite o few riding tandem. The ones that seemed to be abiding were the Trykes, only saw a few with more than one passenger and saw many empty.

    On the other hand, Jeepneys were still trying to pack them in, if you wanted on, they stopped, no matter how many.
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  9. SkipJack

    SkipJack DI Senior Member

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    I don't know.
    I was stopped on the Duma Sibulan border. They would not let me pass with a back rider.
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  10. you_have_been_removed

    you_have_been_removed DI Forum Adept

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    Yup Jeepneys still packing um in like sardines, just no more hanging out the back, but they still want the social distancing fare, soon enuf the lokals will just go back to the old fare, just hand the 20pesos trip and drop the shoulder.
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