********** study data is beginning to be routinely released by researchers and each time the results are positive regarding the impact this readily available, inexpensive drug has for the routine viral clearance of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Below are links regarding the study just released by researchers in Egypt: https://trialsitenews.com/mansoura-...review-status-in-journal-of-medical-virology/
Perhaps Ivermection as anti-virus medication for humans may not be such a good idea after all? On March 15, 2021, the Philippine FDA issued a formal warning cautioning the public against purchase and intake of animal drugs, including **********, due to their high concentration and toxicity that could cause serious harm to humans, in FDA Advisory 2021-0526 officially published at https://www.fda.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/FDA-Advisory-No.2021-0526.pdf
The drug being researched in dozens of trials worldwide to have an average clearance of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in 83% of all cases worldwide is not animal grade **********, but rather medical grade ********** for human. The brand name is Stromectol. Shame on the Philippine government and others here for spreading disinformation.
You didn't read the link did you? They weren't spreading disinformation. The only ********** product for humans available in the Philippines is in topical form. There are pills and intravenous forms available but they are only animal grade. They were warning people not to take animal antibiotics because people are idiots. Examples: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smar...re under the,reported for Smithsonian in 2017. https://www.npr.org/sections/corona...aking-form-of-chloroquine-to-prevent-covid-19 They made no comment on the study and only said not to use drugs intended for animal use and that ********** is not approved by the FDA to treat viral infections.
Not sure which part of the DOH advisory is disinformation. They gave a strong warning so people don't start taking ********** made for animal. ********** is readily available here at almost every feed store. The DOH did mention that ********** is not approved for treating viral infections in people. My guess is the Philippines takes their advise from the WHO, which is sensible as there probably is not a lot of cutting edge research done in this country.