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Discussion in 'Passports and Visas' started by Notmyrealname, Feb 28, 2021.

  1. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    New legislation must be printed in "news reports and media" for a certain amount of time to inform the public before the law goes into effect so I'm not sure why getting this information from those sources would be seen as a bad thing. Do you think I'm read opinion pieces when looking this stuff up?

    Again, I am talking about policy and guidelines put out by government agencies and entities. They DO change without the approval of Congress or the executive branch and you are refusing to acknowledge this.

    Example: the Dumaguete LTO decided not to give foreigners a driver's license if they weren't on a permanent resident visa longer than one year, then they didn't require it, then they did, who knows what the actual rule is now? Will it be the same next week? Next year? Meanwhile, Bais LTO was giving out license to anyone that applied. Did Congress or the president pass any legislation or executive order mandating this? It doesn't matter which way you look at it local policy was changing the way the law was being implemented and enforced.

    Example: acquiring an exit clearance at the airport. Just search the term on this forum to see how many times this has changed over the years and the confusion surrounding the rule.

    Example: the IATF can change rules mandating or restricting the actions, travel and livelihoods of everyone in the country without having to wait for Congress or the President to write up, debate on, amend, debate again, vote on and then sign a new bill every single time there is a policy change.

    Policy and SOP of any government agency changes as frequently, many times much more frequently, as the OIC of the agency does. This is by design and legislation, many times, gives broad powers to government agencies to come up with their own policy. It has to be that way because the legislative process is, by design, slow and difficult. Policy and enforcement of the law is what the end user has to deal with in their daily lives.
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  2. you_have_been_removed

    you_have_been_removed DI Forum Adept

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    Last edited: Apr 18, 2021
  3. Mom Miriam

    Mom Miriam DI Member

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    On April 15, 2021, the IATF issued Resolution No. 110 s. 2021 to amend IATF Resolution No. 103 (March 18, 2021) and extend the temporary suspension of entry of foreigners until 2359H April 30, 2021 and to exempt the following from the suspension of entry:
    • Emergency, humanitarian, and other analogous cases approved by the Chairperson of the NTF COVID-19 or his duly authorized representative, provided the foreign nationals have valid visas at the time of entry; and
    • Foreign nationals with valid entry exemption documents duly issued by Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) prior to March 22, 2021.
    To implement the above, the Bureau of Immigration issued Amended Advisory (April 16, 2021) On the Revised Guidelines per IATF-MEID Resolution No. 110 Series 2021. In addition, the BOI issued a Press Release (April 17, 2021) clarifying the travel ban extension and the newly-added exemption.

    Therefore the list of foreigners exempted from the suspension of entry is now expanded thus to include the following:
    • Diplomats and members of international organizations, and their dependents provided they hold a valid 9(e) visa or 47(a)(2) visa, as the case may be, at the time of entry;
    • Foreign nationals involved in medical repatriation duly endorsed by Department of Foreign Affairs - Office of the Undersecretary for Migrant Workers Affairs and Overseas Workers Welfare Administration provided they have a valid visa at the time of entry;
    • Foreign seafarers under the “Green Lanes” program for crew change provided that they hold a 9(c) crew list visa at the time of entry;
    • Foreign spouses and children of Filipino citizens travelling with them provided they have valid visas at the time of entry;
    • Emergency, humanitarian, and other analogous cases approved by the Chairperson of the National Task Force Against COVID-19 or his duly authorized representative, provided the foreign nationals have valid visas at the time of entry; and
    • Foreign nationals with valid entry exemption documents duly issued by Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) prior to March 22, 2021.
    In effect, more foreigners are now allowed entry amid the CoViD-19 pandemic; however, the arrival quota of international inbound passengers set by the Department of Transportation (DOTr) since 0001H of 22 March 2021 remains limited at the maximum of 1,500 passengers per day, Filipinos from abroad and foreigners combined, and is extended to 2359H of 30 April 2021.
    • Informative Informative x 1
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2021
  4. Mike_Haddon

    Mike_Haddon DI Forum Adept

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    Odd ain't it. Other countries put restrictions on anyone travelling from Philippines (UK and now Hong Kong); Philippines puts restrictions on anyone travelling from other countries. In the end, this probably makes not a bit of difference.
  5. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    Really, really........Never knew this forum had so many "Religious Theologians" especially off topic ones.
    john boy
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  6. Mom Miriam

    Mom Miriam DI Member

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    Your comment appears somewhat off tangent as it does not fall within the perimeter of what was contemplated by the original discussion. The discussion was about a particular statute, Commonwealth Act No. 613 or The Philippine Immigration Act of 1940, from which all other rules and issuances governing entry of aliens or foreigners into the Philippines proceed.

    Referring to traditional legal words "alien" or "foreigner" used in existing laws or rules to distinguish a non-native from a native, Notmyrealname replied it "just takes the stroke of a pen to change;" and I responded that the American-originated statute's word "alien" cannot be changed by mere stroke of a pen because it is a legislation.

    Statues are written laws enacted by and that can only be amended by legislature, in this case, by the Congress of the Philippines which is a bicameral body consisting of the Senate of the Philippines and of the House of Representatives, and then approved by the Philippine President for the execution. For a statute to be effective and binding, it has to be informed to the people by general publication. For it to be implemented, either an Executive Order is issued by the President or Implementing Rules & Regulations (IRRs), Department Orders (DOs), and Memorandum Circulars (MCs) are issued by the Cabinet Secretary of the implementing agency or by his duly empowered subordinate/s. All such issuances coming from the top of the government hierarchy must necessarily follow the same terminologies or wordings as the statute so as to not depart from the original legislative intent nor cause misinterpretation among the masses of civil servants executing it or the general public abiding by it. Other official issuances at the hierachy's micro level such as Office Orders are done by the office heads who bear local command responsibility.

    The use of alternative terminologies or wordings that lead to departure from the purview of what is being contemplated by the statute makes such statement either void ab initio (null and void from the beginning) or voidable. Any consequence resulting from official use of a misleading alternative wording could hold the responsible issuing government official/s open to civil or criminal liability and/or permanent disqualification from public office.

    Newsreports, news features, editorials, narratives, commentaries, opinions, and the like sometimes use alternative words in the restating, unwittingly providing instead misinterpretations or disinformation that mislead. Therefore official publications of the verbatim copies of statutes, its corresponding IRRs, DOs, MCs and other official issuances in the Official Gazette or in the national newspapers provide true and reliable information for the guidance.

    As mentioned in another previous thread, the IATF is empowered to issue changing rules without having to wait for the President or Congress because there already exists in place previously enacted general or enabling statute/s that serve as legal basis. For that matter, the same goes for issuances of the Bureau of Immigration or of the Dumaguete LTO - there is an existing statutory basis or rule that enables.
    Mom Miriam
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    Last edited: Apr 20, 2021
  7. OP

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    There is a difference between 'religion' and 'fact'.
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  8. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    #2 Best Answer
    Is that a fact " they opened their eyes they found they were holding the Bible" Come on, I didn't realise "they" could read at that point in time.
    History and Religion have always been distorted by those who choose to do so.
    Now that's a fact, now here's a quote " The truth will set you free"
    john boy
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  9. Crystalhead

    Crystalhead ADMIN Admin ★ Forum Moderator ★ ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ ★★ Forum Sponsor ★★ ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    But the Grand Poop Invisible Sky Daddy loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money!”

    Is it not enough to admire a beautiful garden without going full on tard to submit magical Fairies are living under it.

    Topic is-
    NEW rules on ENTRY of FOREIGNERS
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  10. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    Agree...The Topic is....
    All Foreigners entering Philippines should do their homework, it's considered a Christian Country.
    Take a pot at other Religions and see their reaction, Shalom
    john boy
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