My covid theory, and it really doesn’t matter at this point, is the Wuhan outbreak COINCIDENTLY started right before the Chinese New Year when millions of Chinese travel to and from across the world for the holiday. Peru (Lambda variant found) is a long way from China. I have no idea how variants are formed or travel, but it seems never ending. I wonder if the covid vaccines could be converted to tablet, if more people would take it…
I think you are ahead of the scientists - they are trying to make a non-injected vaccine (but most likely to be inhaled rather than ingested (as with polio)) but it could not be a conversion of the existing ones as they would be destroyed in the digestive system. Polio is a virus which lives in the digestive tract and so the best candidate for an oral vaccine. All these variants are due to people hopping from country to country and somewhere within a country (UK, South Africa, India, Peru) a person caught the disease and it mutated within their body to give a variant with greater transmissibility and it soon became dominant. Then someone with that variant hopped on a plane and took it elsewhere. I think a country would not create a deadly virus intentionally unless they had already vaccinated their population against it - no country (not even North Korea) can remain disease free in a pandemic. They would have to suffer the consequences of the disease (not knowing what variants might arise) or make it obvious to the world they created the microbe and vaccinated their own people so it would seriously damage the rest of the world - that would be regarded as an act of war. If the virus was created in a laboratory then I think its release was accidental. As a point of interest, it is thought polio might have mutated from a completely different type of virus (a Coxsackie) and makes the point that SARS-COV-2 could become something different.
Yesterday the DOH informed of the 'first' Lambda variant in Philippines - a pregnant lady, no history of travel. That's not possible as I see it and seems you agree from what you have said above. Must have been transmitted by someone else locally. Do we have complete fools in charge? (rhetorical question).
Were they incorrect in their statement that she hadn't traveled? Did they dismiss the possibility of her contracting it from someone who had traveled?
Dr. Malone claims the Delta variant cannot be contained with current vaccination technology and “perfect” mask usage. It’s strength can increase within the breakthrough vaccinated. The breakthrough vaccinated can become super spreaders. He’s active on Twitter for clarity. @RWMaloneMD
Possibly, who knows. If she had contracted from someone who had travelled, then she is not the first case in the country.
Whatever happened, someone (or more than one) entered the Philippines with the Lambda variant within their body or on their possessions (less likely but possible).
Searching his name comes up with a bunch of conspiracy theories and flawed scientific papers. I would take his claims with a grain of salt. I think they might have meant the first "confirmed" case. There seems to be nothing incorrect about what they are saying.