Until now. Humm. It could mean different things depending on the context. When the mechanic asks about the repair he did on my car, "good until now" means everything is good. When my old boss would ask how are you today. Good until now had an entirely different meaning. I think you can interpret the meaning from Tuba Coma as "so far, so good"
To me, “until today” suggests not sure what is going to happen, especially if discussing Covid. Stay safe everyone.
Until now means until now. I got a vaccine from a company that was selling baby powder contaminated with asbestos. So I feel ok until now. I hope I will feel ok tomorrow also. And in future...
If I had one million pesos and totally lost them in a scam today (which is quite likely in this country), I would say "I had one million pesos until now". Would I then hope to have 1 million tomorrow (having lost it today)? In my use of English, it would mean the one million has gone forever (most likely) and any future one million pesos I had would be a separate issue altogether (i.e. acquired in some other way). 'Until now' means the issue has ceased and any future related issue is unconnected. "I got a vaccine from a company that was selling baby powder contaminated with asbestos. (But) I feel ok now. I hope I will feel ok tomorrow also. And in future.." - that works IMO by eliminating 'until'. The point is so that listeners can understand the meaning and 'until now' confuses me in this country.
Kuwait recently ramped their campaign back up over Omicron. Prior to the advent of this newest strain, Kuwait was back to "The New Normal" where vaccinated people got to act like they had their freedom back. Kuwait has decided that doses over 9 months old, without a booster shot, are to be treated as unvaccinated, which also bars them from entering the country. To avoid the repercussions of being unvaccinated, I got a Pfizer booster on Tuesday. It was walk-in, free, and took less than 5 minutes in the building. I worry future children might look like goblins since there's so little data, but maybe looking like a goblin would be an improvement. At least, I'll hope so.