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Buyer Beware - DI Agents

Discussion in 'Classifieds' started by PatO, Oct 22, 2010.

  1. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Lessons Learned: When a DI member places a classified want ad, and another member responds " call me, I have a friend that has that", that person may be acting as an agent and you will pay an extra fee. Most members on the forum are helpful to other members, while others are local opportunists trying and make money off the foreigners. This is a fact.
  2. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    You are very correct, what forced us the last change in the classifieds section, which is sadly not enough.
    I was just discussing earlier today several topics with the rest of the DI team and we can't help but see the need to tighten up several loose straps and that not only in the classifieds.

    Than again, I can only recommend to forward this member-names to us and appropriate steps will be taken. For the moment this is the best we can advice.

    You did this in this case and I admit that it was not the first time I heard this name.

    Several members are on our watch-list and several restrictions are activated already

    WHEELJACK DI Junior Member

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    Patrick first of all i am no local opportunist trying to make money off foreigners, i only get percentages of deals, and if you do business of course you always put margin, not give things away for free. but i didnt jack up on the price of that dog, try asking on Harolds mansion Petshop the price of their mini pincher it is more than the price the owner gave you, i helped you bargain the price. i have delt with other foreigners and they were satisfied. try calling Jaggar - William Gursuhani he knows me well and i had no problems with him. its only you who complained so far. you are an ungrateful costumer.
    and lastly why would i make money off foreigners, i have more, im not like other low life locals here. For Your Information.
  4. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    actually it your name got mentioned to us a few times.

    Speaking for me personally (not as a mod) it is utterly disgusting to make even 1 single peso that way and shows very poor character to abuse a forum which is supposed to help people, not to create income no matter how you bend it.

    Sadly, like PatO said earlier it drops a bad light on the honest people here who are just happy and willing to help others.

    Well, speaking as DI-Mod, as you admit in your post above you do business,so you violated our classified - rules and therefore get excluded from the board for a while.
  5. bikerdave

    bikerdave DI Senior Member

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    good job Rhoody I give a lot of info here and help people sell and buy things through the forum.I dont charge a dime! It helps those who want to buy and those who want sell some of their belongings. If you want to make money selling something that doesn't belong to you "GO TO f*cking E-BAY" I always thought of forums as a place to help people not profit.I'm sure your fellow Filipinos on this site are not so happy that you refer to them as low life scum.
  6. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Yeah! Correct Action!

    :( Rhoody! a shame this had to be done to a fellow member BUT correct action was taken on this occasion. I commend your decision.

    Jack P.
  7. glass45

    glass45 DI Member

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    Pato, I usually used the word a friend but I dont deal in the transaction, I only make recommendations.. got no time for that either, if ever I help, Im posting it here because I have lots of reliable friend. It all depend entirely on whose endorsing it. Just dont generalize everyone... I guess all buyers are responsible enough to know if they were already been hook up and I know they are not that stupid enough to go on deals like that... you know what I mean... just be responsible, and fellow DI's just also maintain the credibility too.. we are all here to share and help not to take advantage to other people both foreigners and locals.. have a good day :smile:
  8. OP

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Are you Wheejack's brother?