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Where to eat....

Discussion in 'Dining - Nightlife - Entertainment' started by Kojak, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. OP

    Kojak DI Forum Adept

    Trophy Points:
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    Sorry to hear that..... I have not been back in awhile....would appear their quality has dropped

    As to the ribs and no burger.... that is one of the most....for me....disturbing things about most restaurants here.... seems almost all of them have never heard of serving everyone at the same time.... yours gets cold while waiting for your partners to arrive....
  2. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    In that particular case, they had forgotten the burger completely. My ribs were gone before the burger finally did get ordered.

    Larry in Dumaguete
  3. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    they charge VAT and actually mention on the menu exclusive 12% VAT.

    been there also 3 times and won't go back either, IMHO you can't call a tiny cup of rice with a bone Ribs... that is a joke, the bland tasteless meat on that bone barely fills a whole in my teeth.

    Anyway, it is a "fancy" place for some, wish K.R.I all the best.

    Been at the new Thai restaurant but had not enough dishes to judge, what I had was good.
    the Thai Spring Rolls tasty and crunchy tasted fresh and not like in most places here made with cheap old fat/oil.

    Tom Kha Gai - would take a bath in it, totally my taste

    Laab Moo - ok, but was expecting it a bit different from what i know being Laab

    Green Curry - great taste, but order it spicy if you want it, PI chefs are always a bit shy with chilli.

    prices between between 100 and 230.

    will make a second test in a week or two to recheck. At present they are supposed to open for lunch and dinner but it looked closed at lunch-time yesterday.


  4. Rarity54f

    Rarity54f DI Forum Adept

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    We just had lunch at Cafe Laguna--we had Kare-kare, Laguna express, sariwang lumpia and for dessert we had puto bumbong---it was a wow! Cafe Laguna also serves foreign cuisuine and the ambiance and cleanliness of the place is simply awesome--I give it two thumbs up. You know where Hotel Nicanor is? That is where you find Cafe Laguna.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    Cafe Laguna definitely a place to try. was there many times, some of ther very best service in town, but what are the foreign dishes there ?

    here link to some pictures by OMW at Cafe Laguna
  6. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Rhoody, can you pls post the location of the Thai restaurant? Maybe I missed it, thanks.
  7. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

    Trophy Points:
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    next to Zanzibar, across Sans Rival
  8. Judelyn Jackson

    Judelyn Jackson DI Junior Member

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    We tried KRI, they have very small servings i guess because they have very affordable prices. A big "NO" to their ribs, i still smell the meat. Cafe Laguna, Rhoody is right no foreign dishes. My husband indeed went to Casablanca, my son and my sister left at Nicanor. We ordered their seafood platter and another seafood dish, before we were done eating we already feel the allergy, we paid what we ate and rush home to take anti allergy medicine. I guess, their seafood is not that fresh. It is up t you guys if you wanna try it. We used to go Coco Amigos, the last was a big hit with thier chili con. My husband had diahrrea, for now we just go their for their cold beer.
  9. moveingon

    moveingon DI Member

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    Anabell Jeans on the boulevard has a great hamburger,my 1st choice , 2nd choice is KRI
  10. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

    Trophy Points:
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    We ate at the new Thai place yesterday. We went in and sat down, and immediately was attended by a waitress. She brought us menus, and proceeded to stand right over us. We ordered drinks, which she brought. The beer was just barely cold enough to drink. She continued to stand right over us, so Rony told her we wanted to look at the menu for a while. She stepped back two steps to the counter and waited.

    We ordered garlic pepper chicken and rice. It was brought in very short order. The portion was not large at P160. The flavor was good but not great, it was not in the least bit spicy. Rony was wishing she had brought the Tabasco. It was served with a very small portion of what appeared to be Jufran sweet and spicy sauce. The rice was Jasmine rice, and was properly prepared, not dried out or gumbo.

    The waitress stood 3 feet away at the counter the entire time we ate. She was joined by another, assuming the bartender, and the two of them stood there and watched every bite, listened to every word between the two of us. There were several beggars that came and proceeded to chant "money" and other incomprehensible gibberish. I must say that the waitress was very prompt, as she should be as she was always standing just 3 feet away watching every move of the fork.

    We ate hurriedly and left. Based on this experience I rate our first visit thus, on a scale of one to ten;

    Food quality 8
    Food quantity 6
    Food value 5
    Service 2
    Ambience 1

    Although the food quality was good, being Thai food we did expect some bite. There was none whatsoever.

    Between the beggars and the waitresses staring at us the entire time, it was not a pleasant dining experience.

    We will give them a month or two then try them again.
