Dumaguete Info Search

Dumaguete gang war?

Discussion in 'Dumaguete City' started by Dong, Sep 1, 2011.

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  1. Union Jack

    Union Jack DI Forum Adept

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    Hi patO, thanks for the info, I would also add Flores Avenue past the terminal up to E J Blanco Drive, lots of dark areas where the only light is provided by the occasional flash of a gun........
  2. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    You can add both extended sides of the boulevard (past Bethel in the south and the pier in the north) as areas to be handled with care.
  3. progmeister

    progmeister DI Forum Patron

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    Definitely. Looc and Tinago are unsafe areas.
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  4. newbie27

    newbie27 DI Forum Adept

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    Oh! So these are those teens I always saw at the side of the road during past midnight that road bound to valencia they are in groups wearing black shirts that no matter how you beep beep beep you car they wont give a way as if they own the road.
  5. Rarity54f

    Rarity54f DI Forum Adept

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    beware of black

    I don't like to go near some people wearing all-black outfit especially at night. This is usually the "uniform" worn by people who are ready to commit a wrongdoing. Somebody here is asking as to where is the safest place to stay in Duma? Well, I think you can be safe anywhere so long as you don't make enemies here and just try to be alert and aware of the surroundings. When you see men in black, wearing hoods, riding the motorcycle, and possibly carrying a gun, go straight to the police station. LOL
  6. c_rymz

    c_rymz DI Forum Adept

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    I sure know that 3 suspects were arrested.. .one was a minor and he was not imprisoned.

    the victim who was shot in the abdomen was a friend's brother..
  7. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Cherry, thank you for sharing this info. If it doesn't put you in harms way or if you are uncomfortable with the following, please merely ignore this request, we will understand.
    I know you and you are an educational professional and not associated with gangs, to be sure, but you know a lot of people here. What can you tell us about the danger of gangs impacting foreigners? My assumption is they are like the NPA and they have no issues with foreigners and they only deal with their rival gangs. Are they into drugs, and thus, robberies to support habits? Would your advice be don't go to certain areas or don't be out late at night?
    Any insight is appreciated,but again, do not respond if this is not appropriate. Thank you.
  8. c_rymz

    c_rymz DI Forum Adept

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    it's all good

    Hi Pat! as far as i know, foreigners are out of harm's way when we speak about this gang war among Bloods and Crips...not unless you pass the middle of the road on which both sides have these gangs shooting each other (which is unlikely)....

    to give u a background information, my family lived in cervantes street (behind Riverside lodging house) since i was born until i reached 14...that's when we relocated to valencia...somehow, by living in a small city, some of these guys i know personally and some friends of friends...

    these gangs have been killing each other's members (uhmmm, maybe since 4 years ago or maybe earlier...i can still remember one guy was shot in the leg near STED's convenient store, just infront of Yan-yan marketing)..the guy who was shot was alive but was imprisoned because he retaliated and shot the guy who shot him first...

    from then on, if you are a member of the rival gang, u are target of retaliation..then it happens, they kill each other...

    the incident last sept 3 (dawn) was unfortunate because i happen to know the guy that was shot..he is well now and has left the island for security reasons...

    I strongly do not think that foreigners are targets of these gangs, not unless a foreigner belongs with a rival gang or is with a member with any of these gangs because when the trigger is pulled, it wont choose who it will hit..

    And likely, some of them resort to robbing to support bad habits (info from my brother who is a police officer).. the places to which you dont want to be in the evening is near yan-yan marketing where the OLD BDO bank is (i think its a new bank now which i dont remember the name)....bagacay road going to valencia, especially near Sto. Rosario heights as there are incidents of robbing in that area...those are the places they mostly hang out...

    i hope that info helped :smile:
  9. Union Jack

    Union Jack DI Forum Adept

    Trophy Points:
    +13 / 1
    Many thanks for the info, much appreciated!!
  10. c_rymz

    c_rymz DI Forum Adept

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    your most welcome union jack!
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