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What's to know about owning a watercraft here?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by SurfinUSA, Nov 7, 2011.

  1. SurfinUSA

    SurfinUSA DI Senior Member

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    Say maybe a pumpboat for example. If you don't live along the shore, can you just anchor it off the boulevard? Is there a fee? Do you need someone to watch it so people aren't messing with it or stealing it?


    What about regarding jetskis- where can you back one into the water? Is there a ramp at the pier? Is there a charge to use it? It seems I was told you could put it in the water at Sta Monica, but that was a few yrs ago.

    Lots of water here, but not much of a water sports boating culture... still haven't seen anyone water skiing

  2. expatron

    expatron DI Forum Patron

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    I have known several people that had pump boats built. It's a major pain in the @ss unless you spend ton's of time watching it. The moment you turn your back or your boat guard gets angry even your propeller will walk away. I know one that is now sitting on the beach with not much more left than the keel still remaining. If you anchor it in the open and an on shore storm hit's at 3am. who is going to be there with enough knowledge to keep it off the rocks and bail the water out? How much will the damage to other property be? How long in court?

    After the fun wears off and you get tired of all the daily problems, it's more than likely you will be in the same boat as them.

    This isn't an off the cuff remark. I was involved in PI boating for many years.

    Personal water craft would be a much better way to go, as long as you can trailer it back and forth to the sea. And they're much easier to sell later.
  3. OP

    SurfinUSA DI Senior Member

    Trophy Points:
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    Good info Ron!