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U.S. Social Security Benefits for Minor Dependent

Discussion in 'Expat Section' started by PatO, Jan 30, 2012.

  1. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    For US expats on Social Security with a minor dependent...
    Maybe some of you are aware of this, I was not. I will use my case as an example. I have a new baby. I applied for his US citizenship and passport. After receiving them, I scheduled an appointment at the US Embassy Manila Social Security Office. My purpose was twofold: Firstly, to sign him up for death benefits in the event I die. My wife is not a US citizen, and therefore, not eligible to receive SSA benefits. Secondly, was to apply for a social security card so I can claim him on my federal tax return and also so my wife will not have to apply for one later in the event he wants to work in the US.

    The results were pleasantly surprising. Rather than only receiving half of my monthly social security deposit when I pass away, my son started receiving that benefit retroactive back to last October. We are setting up a secured account with my wife as the payee and my son as the person authorized to receive benefits, and an auto deposit will occur each month until he is 18.

    Note: A citizenship and passport is a requirement as are all the documents stated on the SSA website. Proof that the baby is yours is key, besides the wife's maternity record, marriage certificate, etc., it is good to attach lots of pictures from meeting wife, marriage, pregnancy, baby's first few months, etc. If not enough proof or if there are doubts, you may be required to take a DNA test.
  2. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    Great info Pat! To clarify though, your son is eligible NOW for SS death benefits while you are still alive?? Did I miss something?
  3. OP

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Greg, I was shocked to find out my son will receive about $1,150 a month retroactive to last October. Give the Manila SSA office a call, if you have questions relating to your situation. I am considered retired so that may have had something to do with the benefits. Good luck.
  4. permres

    permres DI Forum Adept

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    social security for minors

    It isn't a death benefit, it is called "child's benefit" under a person receiving benefits as a retiree. When I was disabled my children received the benefit, but under a disabled person's benefit it is called SSI (supplemental security income), but when I reached retirement age it became the "child's benefit" and all my children were eligible to recieve it until they reached 18 or 19 (if still in secondary school). Right now I only have one child still receiving this benefit. When I die my child will probably be too old to receive any benefits, however if I die before and my child is still under 18 they will receive benefits until age 18. Another thing to keep in mind, your spouse, unless a US citizen and of retirement age, will stop receiving your social security benefits when the child reaches 18, also. Until that time, your spouse and will continue to receive your social security benefit.
  5. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    Thanks for the clarification.
  6. OP

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Thanks for the interesting post. Did each child get an even amount of half your benefit or was it divided up? I ask that question in the event we were to have another baby, would the second child also receive the benefit equal to half of mine or would each receive one quarter? Thank you.
  7. Pedro

    Pedro DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    This is a little known benefit of our SS system (I learned after reading an article entitled "Secrets of Social Security benefits"). When you reach retirement age your dependents, all of them are entitled to a portion of your benefits whether you take them early or not. The amount is what is set aside for dependents but I am not sure how or what formula they use for that. This a great benefit for those of us who have kids later in life. My boy and girl will be getting SSN payments while in High School as I fully intend to apply for them although I will be trying to hold off on collecting for myself until I reach maximum benefit age. This is also why I fully support raising the wage limit of those who must pay into the system. I also would definately not support dismantling the current system.
  8. justhanginout

    justhanginout DI New Member

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    Hi PatO,
    I think I can answer your question. I had 3 kids at one time receiving the benefit, and yes, it was split. It was around $1000, split between the 3 of them. When the first one turned 18, then the other two split that $1000 between them, until the 2nd turned 18, then, they reduced the benefit and the last child received $600 a month. In your case, I believe, if you were to have another child, the total benefit would go up, but split between the two of them, so your first child we see a reduction in his actual monthly benefit.
    Hope this answers your question!!

  9. kehote

    kehote One Hit Wonder?

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    Hello, my uncle is a retired expat living in Thailand and he married a lady with two children over there a few years ago. His SS check is stretched thin and he'd like to know if he can get SS benefits for the two dependent children, but they don't have SS numbers because they aren't U.S. citizens. Any info would be much appreciated.
  10. OP

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    A requirement is a U.S. citizenship. As an example, my wife is not a U.S. citizen and therefore not eligible for SSA benefits, even if I die.