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Foreign Visa Some common reasons why people can't get US visas

Discussion in 'Passports and Visas' started by PatO, Mar 5, 2012.

  1. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    In an interview with GMA News Online on Thursday, US Consul General Michael Schimmel tried to explain the common reasons why the embassy denies giving visas to certain people.

    This is an interesting article. The Philippines, US Consul General Michael Schimmel said, has about 200,000 US visa applicants every year and about 75 percent of them -- or three out of four applicants -- are given visas.

    Pinoy Abroad
    Some common reasons why people can't get US visas
    ROSE-AN JESSICA DIOQUINO, GMA NEWS March 4, 2012 11:30pm

    Following is the online article
    Some common reasons why people can't get US visas | GMA News Online | The Go-To Site for Filipinos Everywhere
  2. derivative_guru

    derivative_guru DI Senior Member

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    Hmmm...3 out of 4 visa applications are approved...I would like to see the breakdown on that. Because anecdotal evidence seems to suggest that those figures should be reversed in terms of Tourist visas. But, I am sure that the vast majority of family petitions, fiance visas, student visas and most business visas are granted.
  3. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    Micheal Schimmel is an absolute idiot, we have watched numerous of his "visa hour" productions, in which he made us laugh so hard my sides were splitting. It is obvious that his main interest lies in getting thousands of Filipinos to apply for visas they have no chance in hell of getting. I don't know where his head is, but it is not in the open air.

    In his "visa hour" production, he made the claim that 75% of TOURIST visa applications were granted, which is absolute hogwash. He is incapable of answering even the most rudimentary of questions concerning visas, questions which Rony could answer easily he stumbled over and referred people to email the embassy. Mind you, he had the questions before hand, and had plenty of time to look up the answers, yet still could not answer simple questions.

  4. Dave & Imp

    Dave & Imp DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Fraudulant immigration issues

    When I first started my Philippine adventure my intent was not to come here but to bring a Filipina to the USA. After identifying the Filipina on Filipina hearts :smile: (ok don’t laugh you were naïve at one time too) I spoke to an immigration attorney based in the US. He mentioned that the Philippines is the second highest county in number of fraudulent immigration cases for the US. :( Primarily he said if a lady was going to come here, almost everyone in the neighborhood wanted her to say their children were hers and to bring them with her to the good old USA. Apparent the US caught on and started requiring DNA testing of all children. My Filipina with two children, from two different fathers, would have found it very hard to come to the USA until both children and their fathers were DNA tested, and the fathers released them to her. She even offered to leave her children behind. I always loved the strong parental commitments here. After the immigration attorney told me a few other things, I decided to move here to be with my wonderful Filipina Hearts lady…but somehow she lost interest after I decide to move here instead of moving her to the USA…..hmmmmmmm.:eek:
  5. Broadside

    Broadside DI Forum Patron

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    No big surprise there then. The principal motive for many (not all) of those "adverts" is to get to the country of their choice. Once they are there, you have served your purpose and are of no further use, and all those declarations of undying love for eternity crumble to dust.

    I had to have a very wry smile when Mylene Klaas was quoted in a British magazine as saying " I am a Filipina and I cannot lie. It is not in our DNA to be dishonest or say anything other than the whole truth". :D
  6. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    In over 200 successful visa petitions we have never had a DNA test be required of a Mother. At least one of those cases we know the child did not belong to the supposed "Mother". The Philippines is second highest in visa fraud and illegal immigrants to the US, but the rest of it I think was an exaggeration by your attorney.

    Filipina Mother's do not need the permission of a child's Father to take the child to the US.
