what 32" is 48k here? even Sony Bravia, which have certainly one of the best pictures are around +-20k
. If that's the case then there's no need for Me to spend extra money on a high Def. tv over there just yet. You still get a better picture with and older CRT Picture tube television in regular Def. if You ask Me.. Regular def. looks like crap to me on a high def tv, unless of course your watching a DVD or actually have a true high definition feed.... Cheers
Thats what my bro in law said...The tv is actually for my in laws. I wanted to get them a samsung 32 but its LED so its super thin and can save space.
without meaning it bad, but you better come here first for at least 6 month before investing in ANYTHING. seems the trustworthiness of your info-source is errrmmm let's say "limited"... or his "commission" is calculated into his price. honestly, you rather get a black 'n white 12", as long as the speaker are broken and loud. totally enough for local game-shows and soaps and the average picture quality of local TV - productions
Just got a 32" Samsung LCD a month ago. Did extensive canvassing and yes, Rhoody is correct, different models from different brands are around +-20k.
Hi darkside, I don't think its worth the hassle to ship a tv from the US, not unless you've already bought it there. The thing is, you would definitely have problems with servicing since the available parts here were based on Asian standard TV's, and the technicians were not trained for US standard TV sets. You might end up sending your TV back to the US each time you encounter problems with it or claim warranties. I do agree with Rhoody on buying it here in the PI. It would be easy to claim warranties and/or servicing needs. If you think the picture quality would be a big difference, well the first thing you might want to consider is that our local cable companies does not consistently provide HD quality channels. Second, there are a very few available Blue Ray Movies in the city, mostly on DVD Quality only. In the end, its still up to you. I'm just trying to explain the logic. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rhoody: "and a person to go back and yell at if something does not work as described." - Please understand guys that it is not actually a 100% fault of the sales person if you'll have problems with your appliances. There might be something that happened to it while transporting it from the NCR that caused the problem. Anyway, most appliance centers would be glad to replace it, in worst case scenario.
Bought my Sony Bravia 32" LCD for 25k 12mos to pay 0% interest at Emperial Appliance Plaza on August of last year. Now its only 22k. I never regretted buying a Sony, especially after I updated the firmware, it can now read a lot of variety of video files through USB.
I did not say a yell at the sales person generally, but I think you should also understand that I paid for a product and therefore 110% don't care at all whose fault it is and why it is not working like described. It is simply not that what I paid for. A raised voice saves me about 17 "Sorry sir"s, 12 "wait for a while"s and at least 6 "the manager is out for lunch"s and I use it after I hear two of those mentioned. And it speeds up the replacement or money back process extremely and yes they are really happy to do either, hehehe I pay, I want my working product. I don't pay for wasting valuable lifetime, I don't pay be friend of the salesperson, or enjoying their aircon or listening to whatever reason why things are not working and whose fault it is. Absolutely none of my interest when purchasing something.