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Loss of British Citizenship

Discussion in 'Expat Section' started by Union Jack, Mar 10, 2012.

  1. Union Jack

    Union Jack DI Forum Adept

    Trophy Points:
    +13 / 1
    Something which was recently brought to my attention and to which I had no answer.....
    If a Filipino citizen obtains dual citizenship (in this case British) by his/her right to abode through settlement, can this person loose his/ her acquired citizenship if settling back to the Phils when retiring and if so, after how long of leaving the UK?
    What is the British law saying about this issue?
    I have tried to ask the question to UKBA but to no avail....
    Many thanks for any info.
  2. OP
    Union Jack

    Union Jack DI Forum Adept

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    +13 / 1
    Wow, 184 views and not a single comment...?
  3. Broadside

    Broadside DI Forum Patron

    Trophy Points:
    +16 / 1
    Well, if the UK Border Agency can't give you an answer then amateurs on a Forum are hardly likely to be able to either. Little point in making a comment if it doesn't answer your query.
  4. RMNImmigration

    RMNImmigration DI Junior Member

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    f a Filipino citizen obtains dual citizenship (in this case British) by his/her right to abode through settlement, can this person loose his/ her acquired citizenship if settling back to the Phils when retiring and if so, after how long of leaving the UK?"

    For some reasons other former Filipino citizens were afraid of re-acquisition- retention of their Philippine Citizenship under the R.A. 9225(Dual Citizenship) because of the laws in their respective country that governs their acquired citizenship will be lose in which the Philippines have no jurisdiction. If you think your country will not allow the dual citizenship, you can try to apply for 13(g) The returning former Filipino Citizen13(G) - A natural born citizen of the Philippines, who has been naturalized in foreign country, and is returning to the Philippines for permanent residence, including his spouse and minor children shall be considered a non-quota immigrant for purposes of entering the Philippines. [As amended by Republic Act No. 4376]

    Duly notarized letter of application;
    General Application Form duly accomplished and notarized (BI Form No. MCL-07-01);
    NSO authenticated copy of birth certificate of the applicant;
    Bureau of Immigration (BI) Clearancke Certificate; and
    Plain photocopy of passport, with English translation if written in other foreign language by the Phil. Embassy / consulate nearest to or in the place where the passport was issued.

    If in the application, the applicant is joined by his/her spouse and unmarried minor children:

    Copy of marriage contract of applicant and spouse and/or birth certificate of minor unmarried children, NSO-certified or authenticated by the Philippine Embassy / Consulate in or nearest the place where the marriage was solemnized or place of birth, with English translation, if written in other foreign language as the case may be, and
    Place photocopy of the passport/s of foreign national's dependents showing its bio-page, admission stamp and authorized stay with at least 20 days valid stay.

    "Pride only leads to arguments but those who take advice are wise"

    Chill its summer:cool:
  5. OP
    Union Jack

    Union Jack DI Forum Adept

    Trophy Points:
    +13 / 1
    Fair point, the difficulty stands in getting in touch with the agency....you call them and they re-direct you to their website. You post them an e-mail and they do not reply.....you know how it goes.......
  6. Broadside

    Broadside DI Forum Patron

    Trophy Points:
    +16 / 1
    True. But if you arrived in Dover with a towel on your head and said the magic word "asylum" they would be all over you like a rash.
  7. OP
    Union Jack

    Union Jack DI Forum Adept

    Trophy Points:
    +13 / 1
    Eh..eh...better still if with towel on the head, unshaven, 5 children on a tow, a good tan, stained clothing and missing a couple of front teeth........oh yeah...and a good whiff of curry!!

    Anyway, miracles do happen!!
    I managed to get through the UK BA ( UK Border Agency | Home Page ) and the person at the other end said that there will be no loss of British citizenship but suggested to check with the relevant Embassy when residing abroad to keep the papers updated. The only way to loose the citizenship is to give it up, unless it was obtained fraudulently on the first place.